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"How long do you plan on keeping her locked up?" Luca's voice echoed through the room, cutting through the tense atmosphere. Zephyr, in the middle of a meeting with their men, looked annoyed at the interruption but knew his brother well enough to know he wouldn't leave until he got an answer.

"As long as necessary," Zephyr replied curtly, his eyes focused on the plans laid out on the table. He knew exactly where Nila's brother was being held and he had a plan, but he couldn't involve Nila. Not when Valentina wanted her dead.

"What exactly is your plan here? All you're doing is angering a woman who was just starting to warm up to you," Luca's frustration boiled over, his words sharp and pointed.

"Don't let sentiment cloud your judgement, Luca. Whether she likes me or not is irrelevant. She will remain locked up until we retrieve her brother," Zephyr snapped back.

"So you know where he is?" Luca asked, his tone skeptical.

Zephyr scoffed at the question, pointing down at the map spread out in front of them. "Of course I do," he replied confidently. "We've been surveilling Valentina's properties for months now. This warehouse is a high probability location for Nila's brother."

Luca shook his head incredulously. "And what makes you so sure?"

"The information from our informant speaks for itself," Zephyr replied with a hint of sarcasm laced in his voice. "Not to mention, we have observed activity that suggests someone in need of medical care inside the warehouse. Given Nolan's current condition, it's safe to assume it's him."

He didn't need to explain further before Luca understood the gravity of the situation. The two brothers fell into a brief silence as they processed this information.

"And what is your plan?" Luca finally broke the stillness in the room, his eyes scanning over the detailed map and plans laid out on the table.

"We strike at dawn," Zephyr declared, taking out a marker and drawing out their attack plan. "Valentina may be expecting us, but she won't be prepared for how quickly we'll move. We know every detail of her warehouse - the guards, the alarms, the blind spots."

Luca's gaze followed Zephyr's hand as he outlined each point of entry and possible escape routes. It was clear that his brother had been planning this for some time.

"What about Nila?" Luca asked, breaking the stillness once more. Zephyr's expression darkened and he let out a heavy sigh, rubbing his temples with frustration.

"For now," he began reluctantly, "Nila will remain locked up. It's for her own safety. Once we have her brother back, then I'll release her."

Luca furrowed his brow in confusion. "But why? She is a skilled fighter and agent. She could..."

"No!" Zephyr's voice boomed through the room, silencing any further arguments. "If we bring her along, we will be giving Valentina exactly what she wants. Nila will do anything to protect her brother, and her guard will be down because of it. We cannot take that risk." Luca's shoulders dropped in defeat as he realized his brother was right.

Luca's voice was barely a whisper, but Zephyr heard every word like a scream in his mind. "You locked her up because you care," he said, and Zephyr could feel the weight of his brother's gaze on him.

"Don't be foolish, Luca. We have important preparations to make," Zephyr snapped, trying to shake himself out of his thoughts. He needed to focus on their own ambush, not Nila. "Go bring back the men for the meeting."

Luca nodded and left, leaving Zephyr alone with his racing thoughts. But his solitude didn't last long as another angry family member stormed into the room.

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