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Zephyr had been distant with me after I told him about the pills, but I wasn't going to give in. It was my body and my choice. Since the argument in his office and the bounty over my head, I had no choice but to be under house arrest. But, it has been four days, and the lack of answers was killing me. I needed to know who put a price on my head and have them take it down one way or another.

Firing up my laptop, I opened up the site once again, losing count of how many times I've opened it these past few days, or just today alone. I had already informed Elsa and Dante so that they could help me track down the source of this website and shut it down.

I didn't want Nolan to worry so we've decided to keep this away from him and let him focus on his recovery. I could hear loud chatter coming from Zephyr's office and curiosity killed the cat as I walked over. I didn't have to get close to hear the argument Zephyr was having with someone else. It was clear whoever they were, was getting cursed in colorful Italian words as I couldn't put together much of what was being said, but enough for me to understand it was about me and the site. I knew he still cared, but he couldn't always have his way with things. This was about me and my safety.

I barged into his office, only to find several of his men with him. They all looked at me in surprise, their faces quickly shifting into masks of concern and respect. Zephyr's sharp gaze met mine, his eyes flashing with annoyance before softening slightly.

"Nila," he growled, his tone a warning. He was clearly irate at being interrupted.

"I'm not just going to sit around while you all play detective," I asserted defiantly, ignoring the shocked murmurs around the room. "It's my life on the line, and I won't be pushed aside."

Zephyr ran a hand over his face roughly, letting out a frustrated sigh. "This isn't up for discussion, Nila."

"But it should be!" I argued, my voice echoing in the room. "This isn't about you protecting me, this is about us figuring this out together."

I saw Zephyr's jaw clench as he held my gaze, his eyes darkening with frustration. For a moment we just stared at each other in silence, neither of us willing to back down. All around us, the room fell hushed, the men exchanging glances but wisely choosing to stay quiet.

"Leave us," I ordered his men, and they all looked at Zephyr for permission, which had me rolling my eyes, but he gave them the approval.

The men exited the room, casting me wary glances as they filed past. The door closed with a soft click, leaving Zephyr and me in a heated standoff. I crossed my arms over my chest, meeting his gaze unflinchingly.

"Why must you insist on being so pigheaded?" He asked, his voice rough with irritation. I was offended by the reference but let it slide as I knew he was worried and had better days, clear from the tired look on his face.

"I could ask you the same thing," I retorted, not backing down. "I refuse to sit idle while my life is under threat."

His face softened then, just for a moment, his hard eyes revealing a glimmer of worry, before he masked it quickly.

"Nila," he started, struggling to find the words. "I'm not dismissing your involvement. I know you can look after yourself," he finally admitted, his voice softer than before. "I just...I don't want to risk losing you."

His confession hung heavy in the air between us. It was the most vulnerable I'd seen him.

"I don't plan on going anywhere," I assured him gently.

He walked around the desk and pulled out a chair, sitting down, gesturing for me to do the same. I hesitated for a moment before taking a seat across from him, my heart beating wildly in my chest.

His Hidden Treasure (Completed)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora