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Exhaustion weighed heavily on my body as I pulled into the parking lot next to Zephyr's sleek Mercedes Benz. The clock in my car read 3am, but I had lost track of time hours ago. Clutching my bag and phone, I stumbled towards the elevators, grateful for the luxurious amenities of this home. Leaning against the mirrored wall of the elevator, I let out a sigh of relief as I closed my eyes for the short ride up. Finally reaching our floor, I noticed the lights were still on in Zephyr's office before retreating into the bedroom. My bag hit the floor with a thud and my shoes went flying in different directions as I debated whether to take a shower or just crash onto the bed.

"Just for a few minutes," I whispered to myself as I collapsed onto the plush mattress, feeling grateful for its comforting embrace.

* * *

Meanwhile, Zephyr sat alone in his office, spinning a marble on his desk as he downed another drink. It was well past 3am and Nila still hadn't returned. He wanted to go out and search for her himself, but knew she was safe from his men who were tailing her. He hated her long hours, but felt a sense of relief when he saw her pull into the parking lot on the security feed.

As she made her way up to their floor, Zephyr couldn't help but notice how she always parked next to his car, even though there were plenty of other spots available. When he heard saw footsteps falter and lean against the elevator walls, he knew she was exhausted.

Entering their bedroom, he saw Nila sprawled out on the bed in disarray, still fully clothed with a file spilling out from her open bag onto the carpet. Chuckling to himself, he gently picked up the papers and placed them on his desk before kneeling beside the bed to remove her lone shoe.

A soft smile tugged at his lips as he noticed one shoe had already been kicked off and lay in a comical position by the window.

"Lavorando troppo duramente, amore," he murmured softly, brushing a stray curl from her face. He knew she wouldn't hear him in her deep sleep. With a sigh, Zephyr made his way to the other side of the bed, gently pulling back the covers and preparing to carry her over to her side of their massive bed. With one arm under her knees and another behind her back, he lifted Nila effortlessly, causing her to stir slightly at his touch. Her brows furrowed in her sleep, indicating she was having one of her nightmares.

**(Translation: "You're working too hard, love")

As she clenched her hand tightly, nails digging into her palm, Zephyr carefully pried open her fingers and held her hand firmly so she wouldn't harm herself.

"Shhh, è solo un sogno, carina," he whispered soothingly, pushing aside the pillows that she had used to barricade herself in her sleep.

**(Translation: "Shhh, it's just a dream, carina")

Adjusting his hold on her so that she was now leaning against his chest, Zephyr felt a sense of peace wash over him as Nila's breathing calmed down and she slipped back into peaceful slumber. The tension on her face eased once more and she slipped back into peaceful slumber.

* * *

Startling awake at the sharp sound of a gunshot, I instinctively reached for my weapon and peered out the window. Echoes were the only response to my heightened senses.

"It's just the men practicing," Zephyr's voice reassured me as he reentered the room. I let out a sigh of relief and set my weapon down on the dresser, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I noticed that the pillow barricade I had created on the bed was now gone and frowned. Zephyr hadn't even noticed that I was still rooted by the window as he rummaged through his closet.

His Hidden Treasure (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now