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"Are you going to pick a fight here of all fucking places?" Zephyr fumed at me, his voice dripping with anger and frustration. But I needed answers, and I wasn't going to back down.

"This is all happening because of you! She only wants me dead because she's obsessed with you. And you killed her for that," I retorted, my own anger rising as I spoke. I was furious with him for dragging me into this mess.

"That may be true, but killing her was the only way to put an end to this. She won't stop otherwise. Now can we continue this lovely talk once we get home?" His words were laced with sarcasm, and it only fueled my anger further.

"No! I am not going anywhere with you. I am done! This arrangement is over. I am taking my brother and I am going back to my home." My words seemed to hit a nerve, and Zephyr slammed me against the wall in a fit of rage.

"Amore, I have been more than fucking patient with you and your fucking antics. I had a fucking plan. A plan that didn't involve killing that bitch, but your little runway show left me no other choice. I've been easy on you and that was my fucking mistake. Your brother is already being transported so let's fucking go, now!" His tone was harsh and unforgiving, his eyes fixed on mine with an intense glare.

The smell of sweat and gunpowder hung heavy in the air as he towered over me, his breath coming out in angry bursts. For the first time since this whole ordeal began, fear crept into my mind. But before it could fully consume me, my hot anger returned.

"You don't get to command me around, Zephyr!" I spat at him, pushing away from the wall with all my might. "I never asked for any of this! You dragged me into your mess and put my brother's life in danger. You promised me he'd be safe." Zephyr's face twisted into a bitter grimace, his fists clenching at his sides.

"He is safe," he barked, his voice filled with frustration and regret. "Safer than he ever was before. He'll be looked after by the best doctors at our home. So let's go." He reached for my hand again, and this time I let him take it. Trusting that he had kept his promise to keep my brother safe, I followed him onto the roof.

The sound of helicopter blades whirred menacingly above us as we made our way towards the waiting aircraft. But we weren't the only ones there. Shots rang out as guards opened fire, but Zephyr pulled me behind him for cover, shielding me with his body as bullets flew past us. With the agility of a wildcat, he pulled out his gun and began firing back at the guards with deadly accuracy.

One by one, the guards fell to the ground, clearing our path to the helicopter. Zephyr's grip on my hand remained tight and unyielding as we dodged stray bullets and ran towards our escape. We were almost there when he suddenly stopped in his tracks.

"Go! Head to the copilot seat, now!" He shouted over the deafening noise of the helicopter.

I shook my head, fear gripping me once again. "What about you?"

"I'm right behind you. Go!" His words were firm and determined, and I knew I had no choice but to trust him. With one last look into his intense gaze, I sprinted towards the helicopter and climbed into the copilot's seat.

As I approached the roaring helicopter, Zephyr's urgent shouts faded into a distant echo, drowned out by the relentless beating of the rotor blades. My heart raced against my chest as I climbed into the co-pilot's seat, my hands trembling as I took in the overwhelming array of dials and switches in front of me.

I stole a glance back through the windshield at Zephyr, still on the ground, his gun blazing as more guards emerged from below. A wave of nausea washed over me as I watched him bravely fight off their attack. Just when I thought I couldn't bear it any longer, he made a break for the chopper, desperately dodging bullets and leaping over obstacles. With a surge of relief, he strapped himself into the pilot's seat and we lifted off. As we soared away, I kept watch behind us, firing off shots to keep our pursuers at bay until we were safely out of range. The warehouse where we had just narrowly escaped disappeared into the night, shrinking into nothingness beneath us.

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