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Zephyr's heart raced as he and his brother searched for any sign of Nila and their mother, who had disappeared without a trace. The remnants of their guard lay dead, evidence of a brutal ambush. Zephyr knew exactly who was behind it all.

"Have you found anything?" he asked his brother as they each drove a vehicle through the bustling streets of the city.

"Not yet. Our men are scouring the docks, airports, and any other potential exit points as we speak," Luca replied.

"Keep me updated. He will reach out if he has our mother." Though Zephyr wasn't entirely sure if that would be true. His thoughts were consumed with worry for his loved ones, and the weight of responsibility as a husband, son, and leader of the Castillo empire rested heavily on his shoulders.

As they continued searching, Zephyr felt anger bubbling up inside him. Diego would pay for this attack. Zephyr had been studying his enemy for years, learning his weaknesses and thought processes. He wouldn't let him get away with this.

Hours passed in tense silence as they combed through every corner and alleyway of the city, desperate to find any clue or lead on Nila and Orillia's whereabouts. The uncertainty weighed down on Zephyr like a heavy cloak, suffocating him with each passing moment. Back in his study, he rewatched footage from the woods where they were taken, hoping to find something they had missed. But after close to a day of searching, they were no closer to finding them.

Finally, a sound broke through the radio silence – one of his men speaking up with urgency. "Capo, we may have something."

"Tell me," Zephyr growled into the radio.

"We've received information that a woman was discovered unconscious near the highway and is currently hospitalized about an hour's drive from here. We're awaiting confirmation of her identity." His heart leaped with hope amidst the despair as he hastily prepared to make the drive.

As his car screeched to a stop outside the hospital, Zephyr bolted from the vehicle and burst through the clinic doors. The bustling scene of medical personnel attending to patients in various states of distress only added to his anxiety and urgency.

"Where is she?" Zephyr demanded, his voice cutting through the chaos as he approached the reception desk. The receptionist's eyes widened with recognition at the sight of Zephyr's imposing figure.

"Mr. Castillo! Who are you looking for?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly.

"The woman brought in who was found on the side of the road," Zephyr replied impatiently, tapping his foot.

The receptionist typed into her computer, taking longer than Zephyr could bear. He stormed past her, determined to find someone more competent. He could hear her calling out to him to stop, but he didn't slow down.

"Excuse me, sir, you can't be in here," another nurse said sternly as she moved to place a hand on Zephyr's arm. He glared at her, causing her to halt mid-step.

"I'm looking for the woman that was brought here a few hours ago. She was found unconscious..."

"Are you family?" the nurse interrupted.

"I need to see her for myself," Zephyr replied firmly.

"She's in the ICU. I can have someone come down and..." Zephyr didn't wait for her to finish before making his way towards the indicated area, following signs on the wall in a desperate search for answers.

The endless white corridors of the hospital seemed to stretch on forever as Zephyr, his steps heavy with trepidation, followed the signs leading to the Intensive Care Unit. His heart was pounding in his chest, a mixture of anticipation and dread coiling within him. Memories of Nila and Orillia swirled through his mind, their faces appearing before him in flashes as he approached the doors.

At last, he reached the entrance to the ICU where a stern-faced nurse stood guard. Her expression softened slightly as she saw the look of desperation on Zephyr's face, but she remained firm. "You can't go in there without proper authorization," she said, blocking his path.

Zephyr's frustration grew, his patience wearing thin. "I need to see her," he insisted urgently. "I need to know who it is."

After a moment's hesitation, the nurse relented with a nod. "Fine, but you'll need to suit up first," she directed him toward a nearby supply closet stocked with sterile gowns, gloves, and masks.

Silently, Zephyr donned the protective gear before striding purposefully into the ICU. The air was thick with the scent of antiseptic, the constant hum of machines filling the room as he made his way toward the bed where an unidentified woman lay.

As he drew closer, Zephyr's heart constricted at the sight before him. The woman's face was battered and bruised, her breathing shallow and labored as she lay unconscious on the hospital bed. But it wasn't Nila.

A wave of relief washed over Zephyr, quickly replaced by renewed fear when he recognized who was lying before him.

"Mom," he murmured, reaching out tentatively to trace her bruises. Her breaths were ragged and shallow as tubes and wires snaked from her body, connecting her to monitors and machines that beeped rhythmically in the dimly lit room.

The door swung open and a grave-looking physician entered, his eyes locking onto Zephyr.

"Mr. Castillo," he began solemnly. "Do you know this woman?" Zephyr nodded, his gaze hardening.

"Her name is Orillia Castillo, my mother. What has happened to her? How bad is it?"

The doctor's expression darkened further. "Your mother has sustained severe injuries. She needs immediate surgery if she is to have any chance of recovery."

Zephyr's jaw tightened with fury as he squared his shoulders to address the doctor. "Do whatever is necessary. Spare no expense. My mother's life hangs in the balance, and she must come out of this alive," he asserted, his anger flaring at the mere thought of anyone harming his mother.

As the medical team rushed Orillia into surgery, Zephyr was left alone in the room with his thoughts and fears.

Caught in a tumult of emotions, he scarcely noticed the approaching footsteps until his subordinate's voice broke through the haze. Startled, he pivoted to find one of his men standing solemnly nearby.

"Capo," the man murmured, his tone anxious. "The nurse discovered this in your mother's hand."

Zephyr's heart skipped a beat as he observed the object held out to him—a small, crumpled piece of paper, stained with blood. Without hesitation, he accepted the item, his mind racing with possibilities as he carefully unfolded it.

The paper revealed a series of hastily scrawled words, penned in Orillia's familiar handwriting. Zephyr's brow furrowed in concentration as he read the message, his heart pounding with a mix of apprehension and determination.

"It's a symbol," he said. Taking a picture of it on his phone, he folded the paper carefully and tucked it into his pocket. He studied the cryptic message, searching for any clue that could point him in the right direction. It was clear that his mother had drawn this for a reason. His mind mapped out their next course of action.

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Author Note!!

Hello Lovelies! Sorry for the short chapters but I'm a little stumped on how to write the next few chapters out but I don't want to keep you guys waiting so I thought better shorter chapters than no chapters.

Thank you for all the love and reads on the book <3

P.S. I'm also very active on Instagram now. Worked hard on the aesthetic of the page so if you aren't already following me on there, be sure to check it out @remmysagaauthor :)

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