chapter 5 - katana

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Pov carl

Daryl and Maggie left a couple hours ago to go find formula for the baby. Dad stopped crying after a while and ran off into the tooms, I don't think he's really present right now, he hasn't even come to see his own daughter yet.

Me and Harlow along with Beth are waiting in cell block c for Maggie and Daryl to get back from the run. nobody really spoke and all I wanted to do was cry about mum but I can't, I have my little sister to protect now. I'm also not allowing my brain to drift towards t-dog who didn't make it back from the run with dad and the others, I can't allow myself to grieve him yet.

I try to think of names for my sister since it seems to be up to me to name her because dads not around to, and mums dead. I consider naming her after Sofia or another fallen member of our group, but I don't want the first feeling the group gets when referring to the baby to be grief.

Eventually Daryl and Maggie come back with formula. Daryl takes the baby to feed her and temporarily names her "little ass kicker" it's the first time I've smiled since she was born, who would have thought Daryl would be the one to lighten the groups mood when we all needed it.


Pov Harlow

I wake up with the sun as usual, however I leave my tower shortly after, I want to go check on how the baby's doing after her first night sleep.

When I get to cell block c I see carl, Beth, Hershel, Daryl, glen and Maggie all sat around the table eating cereal. I notice Beth is holding the baby to so I look at her when I ask "how is she doing," Beth smiles tiredly and reply's "good I think she was a little fussy falling asleep but didn't wake through the night by some miracle."

I nod and say "that's unusual in one of the foster homes I was in there were twin new-borns in the house. They would cry every night for the first phew months of their life. Sometimes me and Enola would rock them for hours just so their poor mother could get some sleep."

Beth nods in sympathy and things slip into an awkward silence as it often does when I try make conversation. I sigh and grab a bowl of stale cereal more for something to do than because I'm hungry.

The tension in the room is Brocken when glen gasps "I just remember we managed to get you cloths on yesterday's morning run just give me a second." He quickly goes to his cell and comes out with a bundle of cloths. I'm relived honestly my prison uniform has felt like another thing separating me from the others. I don't really look at the cloths themselves until I'm back at my tower.

There are a couple pairs of underwear as well as two pairs of the exact same black cargo trousers plus two identical sage green tight fitting long sleeve tops, I assume Glenn must have got the stuff from an abandoned shop and not a house because of the duplicates and the cloths feel pretty new. There is also a pair if wine coloured knockoff doc martins and lastly a messenger bag that was quite big It was deep green with purple pins on it.

I make sure to transfer my lucky rock oldy from my prison uniform pockets to my cargo pockets. I sling the bag over my shoulder and consider going back to cell block c but decide against it, I would rather avoid the tense atmosphere from breakfast by staying in my tower.

I see glen and Maggie leave presumably for a supply run but don't think much of it.


I've been in my watchtower for a couple hours when rick and carl come into view followed by a couple others. What really gets my attention is ricks actually holding the baby and seems to have come back to reality a bit. I'm glad because it would be quite inconvenient if our leader lost his marbles.

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