chapter 37 - MUM!

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Michonne pov

I'm still clutching carls note as me and rick head to the gate, I can't believe the kid left to go out on his own without telling anyone and thought that we would be okay with it.

It isn't that I don't think he can handle himself, because god knows he can, it's the fact that he never thought to tell his family before leaving. I shouldn't be surprised though as I don't think anyone has heard carl talk since...since the accident.

I'm worried sick about him but everyone is at a loss on how to help him, especially his dad. At first, I think rick just hopped that carl needed time to grieve and he would get better on his own but it's been over six months and he is still just as closed off and isolated as ever.

I can see the pain and longing in ricks eyes every time he looks at his son but how is he supposed to be there for carl when the kid won't even acknowledge him.

Deep down I know exactly who carl needs because I need her to, but Harlow isn't coming back and carl can't just lock himself away forever.

It's not long before we reach the gate and both me and rick stand a little bit away from Deanna a couple yards from her left.

the gates slide open with there usual creaky rattle and in walks quit possibly the dirtiest person I've ever seen, even by apocalypse standards she is filthy. There is also a younger girl, slightly cleaner than the first, who looks to be around six years old and is clutching the dirty teenager's hand tightly in her own. the pair are flanked by a massive black dog growling protectively at their heels, at least I think the animal is a dog though it could very well be the love child of a bear and a wolf instead.

The teenager's features are obscured by her long-matted hair that appears brown but in actuality could be any colour beneath the grease and mud caked mats.

There is a bundle of something strapped to the girl's chest but the thing is unidentifiable due to the fabric obscuring it. I can't help the concern for the two children that bubbles inside me as I take in their haggard appearance and my concern is only amplified by the way the teenager's clothes hang of her skeletal frame and her only visible hand looks more like a birds claw than anything else.

The pair look like they could have come straight out of the trenches during ww1 and the dog/wolf/bear hybrid looks nothing short of a mangy hell hound.

If Deanna is at all fazed by the ominous appearance of the new commers she doesn't show if as she walks confidently towards the strangers. The teenager pushes the kid she is with behind her protectively before Deanna gets closer than five meters from them and my eyes catch on the glint of metal clutched in the six-year-olds hand. Of course I shouldn't be surprised, why wouldn't the infant have a dagger.

Deanna welcome speech is cut short by the riffle that she suddenly finds pointed at her face.

Rick is quick to action immediately extracting his trusted colt python from his belt and drawing it on the girl before anyone else can process the threat. he shouts causing the little girl to cry out in fear and cower further behind the older girl. the hell hound throws itself in front of its owner and bares its teeth menacingly at rick looking ready to rip his throat out id he so much as scratches either of its companions.

The teen freezes before slowly lowering her gun away from Deanna's stunned face letting it clatter to the pavement below. The girl slowly raises her hands so that there visible before carefully turning around to face us.

As the girl's face comes into view I feel my heart leap in recognition yet I still can't place where I know the girl from, that is until her startled eyes meet mine. For a moment time stops and the only sound that can be heard is that of metal embracing concrete as my own gun follows the teens to the ground.

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