chapter 27 - So much more than that

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Harlow pov

I throw the body of a young women into the scorching flames before wiping the sweat from my brow. Posy is panting heavily beside me and I decide that we will make a stop at the river for a drink before looking for the next body.

Corpse collection has turned out to be a blessing in disguise in this place because it pays the same as latrine duty and is in my opinion far less gross. Of course, I'm still regularly on latrine duty because sometimes by the time I get to job selection they don't need anyone else for collecting the dead.

I reach the river and scoop up some water with my hands letting posy drink out of them since we would be dead if she was caught contaminating the river with dog spit. After posy has had her fill, I take a drink myself before coxing a sleepy Annette to take a drink as well.

I'm walking through the halls of the unit looking for my next corpse when I hear screaming and begging. "DON'T TOUCH ME!" a female voice shouts followed by a blood curdling scream. "Mam, you need to calm down." A male voice pleads.

I'm about to walk in the opposite direction of the voices because its dangerous to get involved however I stop as I remember the empty eyes of the women I murdered in cold blood the other day for a couple cans of food. My stomach twists with guilt and I resolve myself to at least do one decent thing if only to relieve my conscience.

I follow the sounds of the screaming until I reach the library I found myself in during my first night here. I peer round the corner of an empty shelve to try gauge what's happening.

unlike I anticipated I don't see a women desperately trying to escape being taken advantage of. Instead I see a very pregnant lady who is clearly in labour and beside her is a man trying to calm her down whilst keeping a meter distance between them.

Deciding that neither of them are exactly what I would call a threat I deem it safe enough to step out my hiding spot and make my presence known.

"What is going on here?" I ask as non-threateningly as possible and both adults jump at my sudden appearance before relaxing when they see I'm just a child.

"I don't know what to do, I was studying to be a midwife before the world ended but this lady screams every time I try touch her even though I can help." The man answers desperately looking positively frazzled.

I nod my head and think for a moment, this women won't allow this man to help and I just need to figure out why so I can help resolve the issue. I break down the seen in front of me sa best I can, by the looks of things there isn't a dad present meaning he either left or died. I wonder if this woman was raped and that's why she doesn't want a strange man touching her especially down there.

It is not that farfetched considering the amount if women I hear screaming at night and the lack of birth control available. I test my theory by slowly approaching the women with my hands raised.

The lady doesn't stop me from approaching like she did the man but she doesn't take her eyes off me either. I kneel at her head and ask "Would you be alright with me helping you? I think I understand why your scared and I promise I am not a threat."

The women looks me up and down and I'm suddenly very aware that I'm caked in dirt, blood and god knows what else because I still refuse to wash myself for fear of attracting creeps. The lady looks unsure but then her eyes lock on Annette and she slowly nods her head before letting out another scream of agony.

Once her contraction passes I ask "can you give me your name?" the women gasps in pain before answering through gritted teeth "Mary." I smirk and, in an attempt to lighten the mood, I ask her "is your baby's name Jesus by any chance?"

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