chapter 31 - the room

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TW: depictions of torture not extremly graphic but still something to consider.

Harlow pov

The woman enters the room closing the door behind her and lighting a match which she then uses to light an old fashioned lantern. The room is filled with a fiery glow which I find fitting for this hellish place.

I try to arrange my features into an impassive expression in an attempt to mask my growing terror. There is something about the woman that makes the hair on the back of my neck stand on end. her long blond hair is pulled into a tight bun at the base of her neck and her skin is void of any dirt or blemishes to the point where she seems unnatural and inhuman.

She places the lantern on an old coat hook and walks over to where I'm sitting curled up on the ground. She towers over me and in an act of defiance I get to my feet refusing to cower in front of her.

"The rules of the game are simple, every time you scream, I get a point and every time you don't scream, I still get a point." She chirps her sadistic grin growing wider.

"isn't much of a game If there's no way I can win, is it?" I drawl feigning boredom. The woman chuckles before violently grabbing my hair yanking my head back with it pressing a knife to my throat. "Thieves don't get to win."

"Then I guess we both loose." I say because if anyone is the thief here its her and the rest of the army who do nothing but take what they have no right to. The woman's smile falters for a moment and a brief look of rage flashes on her face but its gone as quickly as it came and her sickening smile returns.

"Get to your knees and face the wall" she demands however I intend to do no such thing. "No, I don't think I will thanks" I reply in a mock polite voice. The woman lets out an exaggerated sigh like she's disappointed and pouts "well I suppose I can't make you, so I will just need to play my game with your ickle little baby instead."

Panic flares inside me and the woman grins knowing she has won. Begrudgingly I turn my back to her and face the wall getting to my knees. My heart pounds in my ears and I hear the woman come over and crouch down behind me close enough for me feel her warm breath on my neck. It takes all my self-control not to look behind my shoulder to see what she is doing but with great effort I manage to keep my eyes firmly on the white wall in front of me.

Now that the room is no longer pitch black, I can see the dried blood decorating the floor and walls of my prison and the sight doesn't exactly instil confidence.

"You know your lucky you get to play with me and not one of the boys. Guys are ruff, uncontrolled, and they rely on brute force to get the job done but us girls need something a bit more refined, don't we?"

Her words send a shiver down my spine and I spitefully muse that I would much prefer anybody that isn't her right now. To my horror I feel the soldier start to lift my top up and my whole-body freezes in shock as she pulls it over my head discarding it across the room.

Goose bumps appear on my flesh as the cold air hits my skin and I suddenly wish I had a bra. I can't believe this is happening to me again and can't even fight back because they have Annette at their mercy. However, a minute goes buy and the woman has made no move to touch me yet so I begin to wonder if she might intend to do something else.

My mind jumps to whipping but I didn't see the tools necessary for that on her person so that doesn't seem very likely. However, my questions are eventually answered when I feel cool metal press against my back and the woman's breath picks up excitedly.

"Put your hands on the wall and don't move them or I will have to start our game all over again." she warns and I do as she says. The first slice across my back is dragged out as she slowly ploughs the blade through my flesh. I fail to stop the involuntary scream I release at the searing pain that blooms across my back.

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