chapter 14 - pigs to slaughter

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Chapter 14

Harlow Pov

Terminus from the outside is a large group of rather ugly buildings surrounded by a chain link fence. Were hiding in the tree line of the woods that overlook terminus right now trying to get the lay of the land. We have only had to walk 3 hours today to get here but the mood isn't as high as it was this morning and the long endless road offered little distraction from the events of last night.

Rick starts burying our bag with guns in the dirt so we have a backup in case things go south and we need leave we will at least have weapons. I walk over to carl who's staring at the ground lost in thought "What do you think?" I ask motioning towards terminus. Carl shrugs "I'm not really sure, its hard to tell just from the outside."

I nod in agreement then ask "do you think even if its legit that it be safe?" carl thinks biting his lip as he does before saying "two days ago I would have said yes but after last night I'm not so sure. I mean what would actually stop people like the claimers being here if they just let anyone in?"

Carl's right, if they accept anyone then there's no way to keep the bad out and the good in which is a problem because there are much worse monsters than walkers.

Carl must have sensed my unease because he takes my hand and gives it a squeeze "we will be alright though yeah; we will do it together like always." I snort "yeah because that's worked so well at keeping us safe in the past." Carl puts his had to his chest "you wound me" he dramatically cries and I can't help but laugh. Carl smiles and says "there's that smile I love."

Rick finishes burying the guns and we make our way to the fence at the back of the building, were going to sneak through the back so we can get an idea of how safe this place is before they see us.

We hop the fence with no trouble and walk through the back entrance which leads to an open warehouse. There's a lady with a headset repeating "terminus sanctuary for all" in to a mike broadcasting the message to radios, it's clear that they really want people to find this place.

There are a thew other tables scattered around the warehouse with people working on various projects such as making signs similar to the ones we followed to get here. All of them have a dead expression on there faces each one looking as miserable as the next.

Despite the fact I thought the whole point of sneaking in was to keep the element of surprise for as long possible, rick seems to have other plans he just strolls right into the warehouse announcing our presence to everyone with a "hello."

One of the men looks up from his work and seems completely unsurprised bye our intrusion. "I guess albert was on perimeter watch then" he sighs before standing up. All the other people look up from their work as well and as soon as they see us their melancholy expressions form into fake over welcoming smiles that look unnatural and forced and cause the hairs on my neck to stand up.

I feel uncomfortable and overexposed around these strangers who all have something off about them. I glance at carl so see what he thinks but he's busy staring daggers into the man who just spoke and I can't tell if he is trying to be intimidating or just doesn't realise he's staring but either way its quit amusing.

"Are you here to rob us?" the man asks and rick shakes his head "no, we wanted to see you before you saw us." The man gives rick an appraising look and nods his head "makes sense, usually we do this where the tracks meet" he spreads his arms wide and continues "welcome to terminus, I'm Gareth. It looks like you lot have been on the road for a good bit." "We have" rick says which I have to resist the urge to scoff at because although it feels like longer the prison can't have fallen any longer than a week and a half ago which I don't think qualifies as a long time.

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