Unforeseen Circumstances

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Dearest reader -

Unfortunately, I will not be able to post a new chapter next week as I have to leave and travel to my grandparent's town four hours down the road. As I have mentioned before my grandpa has not been well for some time now and I often must go to help out my grandma. Well, a couple days ago my gran fell ill thankfully she was released from the hospital but she is in no condition to visit my grandpa at hospital or take care of her usual affairs. We are hopeful she will make a full recovery but only time will tell. I cannot post chapters whilst away because there is no service, it is unlikely I will be gone longer than a week but there is a small possibility our stay may need to be extended a week longer if my gran does not improve. I will be cone no longer than two weeks however the most likely scenario is I will be back by next Monday. You can probably expect a chapter posted on Wednesday the 19th of July 2023 however if there is no chapter posted on that day there will most definitely be one the following Wednesday. I hope you can understand that the circumstances are out of my control. I hope you all have a good week and I will write again soon.

Yours sincerely -


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