chapter 13: claimed

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TW: detailed attempted rape however it is unsuccessful for clarification this is the scene with the claimers but it's changed because of Harlow's presence.

Harlow Pov

After seeing the terminus sign, we walked for two more hours before the sun set and we settled down for the night on the side of the road. Carls sitting off to the side on his own away from rick and Michonne so I decide now's as good a time as any to take Michonne's advice and talk to carl.

I sit down next to him and smile "hey" he turns to look at me and returns my smile "hi". I hesitate before telling him "We should talk about it" carl shrugs and says "if dad thinks it's a good idea, then we should trust him." I look at him confused "you asked your dad about it?" then its carls turn to look confused "what are you talking about?" I pause and ask "what are you talking about?" carl stares like it's obvious "terminus." Oh of course he is, I sigh and roll my eyes "carl I'm not talking about terminus I'm talking about what happened at the house."

Realisation dawns on Carl and goes red "oh right yeah" I chuckle and he asks "do you regret it, kissing me I mean?" I shake my head "no I really don't." Carls shoulders relax and he sighs with relief "oh good because I don't regret it either."

I smile before getting serious "so what are we now?" carl thinks for a moment before saying "were a team do we need to label us as anything else yet?" I consider it before deciding "no not yet let's just see how things go for now." carl nods "cool." we sit in awkward silence for a while before I decide to break it "so, was the kiss any good?" carl grins "I don't know my memory's a little foggy maybe you should kiss me again so I can be sure if it was good or not." I snort "wow, smooth"

I look over to rick and Michonne checking there out of earshot before I turn back to carl and kiss him, the kiss is different form the first this one is quicker and less intense but it's still just as enjoyable. Once I pull away I ask "any good?" and carl grins "it was alright."

We talk for a bit longer after that and I explain to carl I might not always want to kiss or want physical affection and carl assures me he understands. After that things are pretty much the same as they always are between us and I'm glad for it.


It's been a couple days since me and carl kissed because there's not really been a moment since where it felt like a natural thing to do and I'm okay with that. We do hold hands sometimes when rick and Michonne are a head of us and I like that I find it comforting in a way nothing else is, it grounds me.

Carl and I are in the backseat of a broken-down car we found on the side of the rode. Carl has fallen asleep and I don't blame him we walked from sunrise to sunset today because we want to get to terminus quickly. I think we're all quietly hoping we will find other members of our group there as they might have followed the same signs we did.

Rick reckons if we leave early enough tomorrow, we will arrive at terminus mid-afternoon, I'm still not too sure about terminus a part of me thinks if they just let anyone in then they probably fell early on and it doesn't exist anymore. It could also be a trick to lour people in to do who knows what to them. either way I know we've got to at least try the place because there's hope in trying and hope is enough to keep us going it has to be because when we have nothing left hope is there to make us continue the search to find a better tomorrow.

My thoughts begin to trail off and I'm struggling to keep my eyes open and I'm so very tired.

Me and carl are laughing in our watchtower and the birds are singing. Once we stop laughing, I tell carl "I'm going to go for a piss." However, on the way to the prison I trip over something causing me to fall to the ground I look over to see what I tripped on and scream. Enola's lying in the grass unconscious and blood is blooming from her wrists and no matter what I do I can't stop the blood flowing onto the dirt. I scream for help but the grass has morphed into concrete and a dingy alleyway has formed around us trapping us in its walls. The birds go quite and Enola goes still. I scream and scream but nobody comes and her body goes cold in my arms. soon the growling starts and then Enola's on top of me snapping her jaw. She rips out my throat and...

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