- the plane did not crash thank fuck! -

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Well I'm pleased to report in a brilliant turn of events that I did not in fact die on holiday! The plane did not crash thank heaven for that and there where no natural disasters during the week we were there. I did not get bitten by anything poisonous and I did not drown in a riptide. I also did not succumb to heatstroke or sunburn and I even managed to eat a decent amount whilst I was away which is rare when I'm anxious and don't have direct access to my safe foods! I also managed to say clean from self-harm for the entire seven days! Although it might seem like these things not happening aren't surprising I cant properly convey the relief I felt once I landed back home alive. but i was genuinely convinced I was going to die, I even wrote letters to my loved ones that they could read and cry over in the event of my death! In my fucked-up anxiety ridden head I have just escaped death so I'm pretty buzzed. Anyway, believe it or not I didn't make this update just to brag about my continued survival, I also wanted to say that I did absolutely no writing on holiday but I don't think I can really be blamed for that. So, what this means is that I still need to write and edit the knew chapter so unfortunately the next instalment of the story will have to wait for roughly another 10 days which seems to be the average amount of time chapters take to make these days. I can't understand how I managed to get a chapter out every 5-6 days for most of this story but most of my chapters below 30 aren't exactly well written so that might have something to do with it. don't get me wrong I wouldn't go as far as to say the current chapters are great but I thought my most recent one was actually decent. Anyway, I will update soon good bye. (also I would really appreciate you commenting if you have read this even if the comment is just a full stop with no words purely to reassure me that I have not lost my few readers because of the longer time between chapters. No pressure though I get it if people don't want to or like commenting. but if you could I would be extremely grateful) (not that I'm not already grateful to anyone who has taken the time to simply read my story especially this far.)

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