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The next day.

Naya woke up tired, she didn't feel like waking up and she just wanted to go back to sleep, but she had to, she went to her clothing and jewelry, looking for something to put on, she was indecisive of what she wanted to wear, she looked at the necklace that she made yesterday, she looked at it, doubting if she should wear it, she was proud of it, so she grabbed it and put it on, naya just put on something that covered her chest it was the same colors as her necklace.

She still felt lazy, she didn't want to swim today, but remembered that they have to learn things if the sea as well, she groaned in laziness.

As she came out of her marui pod she stretched a bit, she walked to Tsireya's marui and looked around, she wasn't there, so she walked around the village to look for her, and there she was, with the others.

She walked up to them, she felt shy with her new neck piece not knowing it looked good on her, but she looked up and there he was, Neteyam.

He was looking at her, smiling. "Hey Naya'il." He then looked down at her neck, he saw the neckpiece she was wearing, he then started to think as to why it looked so familiar, but it didn't come to mind what it was so he let that thought go. "Hey Neteyam." Naya smiled at him, she noticed that he was looking at something on her, so she looked at where he was looking at, it was her neckpiece.

She then got flustered, not knowing if he liked it, so she turned around not facing him anymore. Neteyam got confused as to why she turned the other way around. "Okay guys, so we are going to swim underwater on the ocean, ok?" Naya said to everyone, they all agreed.

They went closer to the ocean, Naya and Tsireya jumped into the ocean and went underwater, Tsireya and Naya went to the surface of the water, Tsireya signing them to come into the water, Lo'ak and Neteyam jumped in, splashing everywhere, when they all got closer to them, they pointed down, meaning to go underwater.

As they did, the brothers saw how both of the girls did a breathing technique before they went underwater, they were confused but they just inhaled all the air they could so they could go swim underwater.

They started swimming, looking at the corals and creatures, Naya saw how kiri looked amazed by everything in her surroundings, it made naya smile, she saw the other way and saw how neteyam, Lo'ak and Tuk went up again and again, they signed to them with their hands trying to communicate with them but noticed they couldn't understand them.

She turned to Tsireya asking her why were they doing that, Tsireya signed that they are new at this, they don't know how.

So Tsireya went up and Naya as well, meeting up Neteyam and Lo'ak and Tuk. "What are you guys doing?" Naya questioning them. "Your going too fast, wait for us!" The little girl yelled, as she tried to stay on top of the water. "I think we have to teach you guys how to breathe." Naya suggested. "And we don't know what that is." Lo'ak imitating the hand movements that Tsireya and naya did. "We will teach you, and how to communicate with your hands." Tsireya added.

They went back to the village, as they walked over, Tsireya and Naya pointed to the place they are going, so they all sat down, Neteyam then sat down next to Naya, she noticed the glimpses he was giving her but ignored it.

As they were listening to Tsireya about how to hold in your breath longer in your lungs and stomach, Naya was helping Tuk how to do it, since she saw Tuk struggling the most.

After that Neteyam looked at how concentrated Naya looked teaching Tuk how to hold her breath. "Breathe in, slowly and calmly, take your time." He heard her saying.

"Naya'il, i need help." Neteyam called Naya, he smiled when she turned her attention to him, she didn't know why he was smiling like that, so she turned to him and she placed her hand on his chest. "Neteyam." In a serious tone towards him. "Yes?" He replied. "Your heart is beating fast, try to slow it down." She looked at him, she could see a little blush going over Neteyam's cheeks. "Sorry." Was the only thing he said to her.

"Breathe in." She said, placing the other free hand on his stomach. "Breathe from here." Neteyam looked at her, her touching his skin was making him go feral, as she never addresses him or makes physical touch with him as well.

"Your neck piece looks pretty on you."  He blurted out, she still had both of her hands on him, she looked up to him, meeting his eyes. "T-thank you."  They stared at each other, she noticed how close their faces were, she then backed up a bit, she felt her cheeks getting warm, he formed a little smirk.

Trying to ignore him she saw how Tsireya and Lo'ak were getting touchy as well, they were looking at each other in a way that everybody knew that they had something going on.

Good thing that nobody saw that little moment that Naya and Neteyam had there, but for some reason she felt that she wanted to be closer to him, he felt the same way.

After they had their lesson with breathing techniques they all did their own thing, Naya was going to her marui pod, feeling drained after all what happened earlier, as she was walking, Neteyam called out to her. "Naya'il!" She turned around, she thought it was funny that he doesn't call her Naya, but it's because she barley knows him and haven't told him about her nickname, and there he was walking up to her.

"I just wanted to hang with you." Said neteyam with a smile on his face, she really wanted to rest but she has had an interest to know Neteyam more so she nodded.

She walked next to him, their hands brushing another's but both of them didn't mind, there was a silence between them but it wasn't awkward, it was calming actually.

"So... I noticed your neckpiece, and told you it was pretty, and it really suits you."  Naya smiled, he loved when she smiles, she looks beautiful when she does, even though he only sees is very few times. "I finished it last night, after a month making it, i got inpired."  While glancing at his neckpiece, "What inspired you?" Neteyam got curious, Naya thinking if she should tell him where she got it, but told him anyways. "Your necklace actually." She stated, getting shy while admitting it, she thought it was stupid after saying that, Neteyam then looked at his necklace and hers, they had some of the colors of his necklace in it.

Naya started to feel embarrassed by the fact that he was looking at her necklace and at his. "Well, it definitely looks better on you." Touching his neckpiece. She didn't know that he was going respond like that so she looked at him. "It does, doesn't it?" Naya saying in a teasing way, Neteyam scoffed. "It does." A small smirk started forming on his face, still walking around the beach, the sky got darker, the air felt a little cold.

Neteyam turning to look at Naya. "Are you cold?" Neteyam worried seeing her shiver a bit. "Yea only a little bit." Naya replied, Neteyam then grabbed Naya's hand and put it close to his mouth, exhaling warm air out. "Your hands are cold." Naya couldn't process what was happening. "My hands are always like that, I don't know why but i'm used to it." She responded.

"Give me your other hand." Naya nodded and gave her other free hand, he kept them close to his mouth, exhaling the warm air to her hands, it felt nice and she didn't feel cold in her hands anymore. "Thank you."  Naya said. "Of course." Neteyam replied.

Once they got close to her marui pod, Naya looked at him, and he looked at her, they just met but something felt like they've known each other for a long time.

"See you tomorrow then?" Neteyam asked while Naya was getting in. She turned to him. "Yea, if you need more lessons for breathing let me know."  Neteyam smiled and waved her goodbye.

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