32- Graduation

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I woke up to the lights turning on, making everyone groan. I grabbed my sunglasses and put them on and cuddled up to Liam whilst everyone else woke up. "It was a very noisy night last night" Priya commented making everyone laugh and joke about the noises coming from each bed.

Mary and Aaron then came in as they slept outside, Aaron came running over to our bed and jumped on Liam making him groan. We then all got up, I put on my robe and headed to the terrace with the girls while the boys went outside to make us our coffees.

"Kaz, how was your night?" Faye asked.

"Erm... yeah, no it was fine. I got into bed, Matt he had his earplugs ready with good reason cuz at first I was like why are you wearing earplugs?" She replied making us laugh. "I don't know whether to go to Eden and Liam or Feddy"

"Why is everyone looking at me?" Chloe asked.

"Or Toey" Faye added, pointing to Chloe.

The boys then came up with our coffees, I gave Liam a quick kiss before they all went back downstairs.

"It's only natural to graduate, like you've got to graduate at some point. This is medical advice- it's a positive, healthy thing. Good for the heart, good fro the soul, it's healthy." Priya said making us all laugh. "Right let's do this ceremony" she said getting up to stand in front of us all.

"So I'd like to start off the graduation ceremony, you've been working hard, studying hard and I am just so proud. I've only been here a couple of days but I've got to see the end result and the end result had been a little bit noisy but amazing. We're gonna start off with Eden." I laughed and stood up at the front. "Got the hats" Mary handed Priya the hats.

"I would like to certify that Eden has graduated with a first class, a lot of help from Liam but this award goes to Eden"

"Thank you so much" I said putting my head down so she can put the hat on.

"Well down Eden." The girls all cheered for me.

"I thought I was gonna really struggle with this graduation because, you know it's quite hard. I've passed with a first and so has Liam and I'm so happy about it" I couldn't help but laugh.

"Next up, I'd like to certify that Faye had graduated. Her graduation hasn't been easy there have been ups and downs, she's been revising hard. The end result worked out with a first class distinction." We all cheered for her. "Amazing work Faye" Priya added.

"Thank you" Faye said with the hat on her head.

"Speech, speech, speech" Kaz shouted.

"Although I had to resit the exam and resit the year, it's been a long time coming and I went from NVQ 1 to graduation in one night. Quick learner!" She cheered.

"Next up, I'd like to certify that Chloe has also graduated, another first." We all cheered for her. "We'll done" Priya said putting the hat on Chloe's head.

"Have to say this is the easiest exam I've ever sat, I'm looking forward to potentially more degrees and any additional extras that come my way" we all cheered and clapped for her.

"Next up we have miss Liberty. She has put a solid effort from the get-go" Priya started.

"I've done my main subjects, I've done my maths, English" Lib added.

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