Chapter 13

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Sams POV

A month... Its been a month since Morgan has been kiddnapped and since the day she got kidnapped alot has changed...

Like now Nico-.. well now Inas and me are together again.. She showed up at my door after I had been punched by Nash..


Sams POV

I woke up on my bed and my head was pounding all of the the sudden I heard a voice I thought it was Morgan but it was to high pitched.. "Sam baby are you ok?" The voice squeaked

That was voice was all to familiar I just couldn't put my finger on it. Then I saw a swish of brown hair and there she was.. Inas... She told me how sorry she was about Morgan and she couldn't belived what had happen..


Sams POV

Right now Inas went out to get some food for us like she does everyday... I think I really love Inas...

Morgans POV

The door squeaked open and I saw Inas like I do everyday coming to beat me to add on to my many cuts and bruises but, there was someone behind her this time two people.. I couldn't make out what they looked like and my black eye that was swelled shut didn't help much..

Instead of Inas coming down the stairs and giving me my beating she stood back and let the two people walked pass her.. She started walking out the door when she whispered something to the two people and slammed the door shut and soon enough I could hear her start her car and drive away.

Finally the two people walked into the light I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw who it was there standing infront of me it was two boys that go by the name Jack G and Jack J..

I couldn't believe my eyes I just sat there in my shock..

All of the sudden Jack G walked behind me and before I knew it I was being lifted up "Put me down" I said trying to kick Jack G but he just ignored me and continued carry me up the stairs with Jack J following close beind.

Soon enough I saw the light of day and he sat me down in front of the sun so i could barely see anything. Jack G stood in front of me "Why are you squinting your eyes? Is my beauty too much to handle?" He smirked and him and Jack J high fived.

" How about the suns in my face dumb fuck. " I soon regretted saying and earned a swift slap on the cheek.

"Why don't y'all just leave me here so I don't have to keep looking at your ugly faces." I mumbled..

" Your smart mouth is going to get you now where Caylen." Jack J growled and I earned another slapped which hurt alot more than Jack G's which is weird...

I then heard a honk and then somebody yell "Jack (G) Babe hurry up just kill the bitch already!"

I instantly knew who it was it was the one and only well not ONLY depending she copys everyone... Madison Beer.

Madison had always hated me because I could get with Nash and she couldn't... But Jealous bitches are gonna be jealous bitches.

"We aren't killing her Madison." Jack J growled..

"You should the world would be better off anyway.." Madison snickered

"BITCH I WILL CUT YOU!!" I yelled to Madison.

Which earned at another slap from Jack G and right when he hit me my hands slipped free from the ropes but, I kept my hands behind my back so I could I could attack at the right time.

Jack J and Jack G walked behind me " Dude lets just kill her." I heard Jack G say.

I had to acted fast I knew Jack J wouldn't kill me but, I know Jack G would..

If I attacked now it would be super risky since Madison was facing my way but I looked up and luckily she was on her phone probably photo shopping the shit out of her photos..

I quickly jumped out of the chair and kicked Jack J in the balls leading him to fall on the ground crying like a baby.

I went to punch Jack G but, he grabbed my hands leaving me no choice.. I then kneed him in the crouch leaving Jack G and Jack J crying on the ground the like baby's..

Madison then came running towards me with a knife she came towards me aiming for my stomach I grabbed her wrists trying my best to get the knife away from my stomach. I pushed her wrists away from me but, the came back flying towards me cutting my arm but, not deep I think.. I grabbed both of her wristed in one hand and punched her with the other knocking her out cold..

I looked up to see the Jacks still crying on the ground and I quickly started running towards their car.. I jumped in and started the engine and sped off..


((BTW sorry if you like Madison I don't really have noting against her but, I'mma just gonna get to the point she's not gonna be the good one in this book I hope I don't offend anyone I'm super sorry if I do!!!~ Logan))

Thanks you guys sooo much for reading I love you guys soo much!! And I have an important question should I just stop writing this book or keep going?? The thing is its interesting to ME but, Idk if its interesting to y'all so what do you think??? (Leaving your thoughts in the comment section it will be very very very helpful!! ANYWAY!! I hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter I love you guys soo much again !! Don't forgot to vote, comment and share and stuff like that and don't forget to awnser my question!! ANYWAYS I love you guys byeee!!! ~Logan

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