1 Year Anniversary (Special Chapter)

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Script Form:

(Spoilers are redacted).

Author: Welcome to this Q/A session with our special guest aka the main character of this story. Today, I will be asking her questions from a random question list I found on Tumblr.

Y/N, shocked: Where am I? Where's Eren? Is he okay?

Author, disbelieved: ...

Author: Yes, he's okay. And you're here for a Q/A session with me, the author of your story.

Y/N: My story? And you said that you're here with the main character. That means I'm the main character?

Author: Exactly.

Y/N, with stars in her eyes: That is so cool! What is my story about?

Author, debating on whether to tell her that the story is a romance about her and her worst enemy: It just...Uh...Revolves around how you deal with your enemies.

Y/N: Oh! Well, thank you for making a story about me!

Author: Sure! And I'm glad that you have a much better personality than someone else I did a Q/A session with a few days ago... (Flashback to Imperial Affairs).

Author: So, I have a few questions for you! Are you ready?

Y/N: Sure!

Author: What are your hobbies?

Y/N, cheerfully: Reading books, manga and webtoons, watching anime, movies and shows, playing games, *redacted* and beating up Isabel!

Author: ...

Author: Do you collect anything?

Y/N: Yes.

Author: ...

Y/N: ...

Author: Nevermind. You two are pretty similar.

Y/N: Who two?

Author: No one. What do you collect?

Y/N: Manga series to make them into collections. As well as video games.

Author: What would you do with 3 million dollars?

Y/N, with a proper plan: I would complete all my manga and video game collections as well as other things in one million dollars. Then, I'd hire professional bodyguards for Eren and Zeke, now that we have a serial killer for an enemy. Then, I'd hire a hitman for Isabel. And I'd save the rest.

Author: Okay. What superpower would you want and why?

Y/N: Telekinesis. I could use it to read the smart kid's thoughts in a test and ace it.

Author: Where would you go if you could time travel?

Y/N: The future. So I'm an adult and don't have to attend family gatherings where Isabel is present.

Author: Do you believe in ghosts? Why or why not?

Y/N: No. Or I wouldn't be able to be the best in horror video games in the family.

Author: What color represents you and why?

Y/N: I don't know. Probably black, red and blue because they are just pretty colors.

Author: Three wishes, go!

Y/N: Isabel stops bothering Eren and Zeke. Eren and Mikasa get married. And I get to meet Levi Ackerman from Attack On Titan in real life.

Author: You already met him.

Y/N: What?

Author: What?

Y/N: What?

Author: Nothing.

Author: Imagine that you are a baby again with all your current knowledge. What do you do?

Y/N: So first, I make more friends, someone that actually matches my interests. And then I invent stuff that has already been invented now but hasn't been then and then I get rich.

Author: What's your dream house?

Y/N: A penthouse in New York City.

Author: Where do you see yourself in five years?

Y/N: Graduated from school, hopefully. Driving a car. And being able to get into a good college or university to be able to get a good job.

Author: What's something that makes you nostalgic?

Y/N: I have a photo in a photo frame that sits on my bedside table. The photo is nine years old when me and Eren were five and Zeke was seven and I like to remember that time because we could just play around with our friends without the stress of other things.

Author: Alright. Only a few more questions. What would you do if you were invisible?

Y/N: I would break into Isabel's house and then pick up her stuff and throw it on the floor in front of her so that she gets scared and thinks that it's a ghost. Then, I use a pencil to write on her wall to never bother Eren or Zeke ever again.

Author: Alright. This is my favorite question. What's your guilty pleasure?

Y/N: ...

Author, smirks evilly: Come on. Answer.

Y/N: ...

Author: You're not leaving until you answer.

Y/N: ...

Author: That's alright. I have all the time in the world.

Narrator: You actually don't. You have a limited amount of screentime in a day and you can't cross it-.

Author, interrupts Narrator: Do you want to be let go?

Narrator: N-No. I like my job.

Author: Then shut up.

Author, turns to Y/N: I'm still waiting.

Y/N: Almost the same as you.

Author: What?

Y/N: Almost all of mine are the same as yours. So, you still want me to answer?

Author, coughs loudly: What would you do in a zombie apocalypse?

Y/N, determined: Protect Eren at all costs.

Author: Okay then. That's it. Thank you for joining me today in this Q/A session and thank you readers for reading this. And now I'll give you a summary of Y/N's character in a few words.

The few words:

Smart sharp strong loyal cute bodyguard simp.

Bonus Question:

(With Y/N and Eren).

Author: How close are you two?

Eren, proudly: We are so close, we even share a toothbrush!

Y/N: We what?

R.I.P. Eren.

*Seinfeld theme plays*

A/N = Sorry for the late chapter. I should've posted this on the 3rd because that was the one year anniversary date.

January 5, 2023

- Heliaxa

A Change Of Heart (Levi X Reader) AUWhere stories live. Discover now