Chapter 3 - I will make you the best in your clan!

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The abnormal transfiguration class is coming to a close, however none of the student seemed to have learned anything. They couldn't focus at all, after all, how would these new special lessons be like? Battle fields? Torture? Intense training?

"ARE YOU DONE HERE~?! WE CAME TO PICK YOU UP~!" Furfur yelled out

Who said that these special lessons wouldn't start right after class? Our special tutors wasted no time in taking their respective students with them.

Furfur will be bringing Jazz and Allocer to a place for adults, of course it would be off campus.

In the underground gym, stays Agares, Gaap and lady Vepar. I wonder if they can calm down her tears.

In Kuromu's studio, waits mr.Hat. No matter how busy Kerori is, she will also be attending her special lesson.

The art of seduction classroom is where Raim will be making Clara and Elizabetta the finest women in the school.

Somewhere else lays an exhausted Asmodeus and Sabnock. Balam has a plan after all.

Every special tutor has a plan, because they will make them the best among the first-years.

"The most cunning and invincible first-years..."

"Exceeding first-year bloodline ability users..."

"The strongest first-year warriors..."

"The greatest first-year summoners..."

"The most charming and sexy first-years..."

However... with Lied and Iruma lays a different story, they are being doubtful and they are pretty sure they are behind everyone.

Afterall, fighting spirit only helps so much. No worries however, as Robin won't be doing this alone, he will b e having help from Big Sis.

Big Sis, is a relative of Robin. And according to him, she is amazing, strong, reliable and will absolutely slap the shit out of you.


Jie-Jie's POV

I watch Iruma and his classmate walk to the royal one with Robin, yellin' some weird shit and I couldn't help but chuckle. What an adorable trip those makes. However now, I should be focusin' on mah own tasks like...

"Ya ready to walk with me?" I ask Purson on my left.

"Sensei? Did you know I was here the whole time or did you just notice me? And if you did know why did you let me ponder for like 10 min before doing anything, like c'mon. hey why are you laughing, are you sure you could teach me? I'm supposed to just not exist you know." oh he kept rambling fosho, but I can't help but smile.

"I'm sure I can teach you some stuff" I lead him towards the gate, and then start walking towards the town. "Try to get away from me."

As I expected, he is somehow too obvious. Maybe some normal demons wouldn't notice, but he wont rank up if he continues with this. When we reach the town I told him to stop trying.

"I can't make ya the best first-year at all" I said outright, and his face oh no. don't be sad. "But that's cuz ya already the best at it... So..."

I turned to him as we enter a park with a few certain eyes.

"I'll make ya the best in ya damn clan...

That's what ya will become!"

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