Chapter 10 - The first day.

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Everything Soi has learned and trained for, has come for this.

He is currently in block 3, feeling for both demons and beasts presence, while hiding his. So far, no one has even hinted that they have seen him. Utilizing this, he makes holes in their bags and takes the points at the bottom. This makes them less suspicious of stealing, and leading them to not hunt down the thief.

Another thing he has been doing is observing the other contestants. How do they fight? What tactics or knowledge do they know/use? All information is good information, if not for right now, then for later.

He can after all use the knowledge of other students, to trap bigger points, while using the tactics to hunt smaller ones. When Soi does this, he will also have to work on sensing for different types of presence, mostly in beast. which ones are harmless and which ones are harmful.

Getting as many points as possible is what this event is for, however Soi is using this event to further train and learn. He doesn't know about the other students training, if theirs will stop after the Harvest Festival or not, but Jie-Jie has all intentions of continuing immediately after the Harvest Festival. And she has already has ingrained into Soi that every second is a learning opportunity.

"The night is dark, eerie, anxious and lonely, but... not in this hive of activity!"

Dali speaks as the other teachers behind him are running around, making sure everything is in order and okay, because at times like this, there are certain beasts that comes out. Ones that are unassuming, luring or straight up just more dangerous. Certain student will not surive the night and,

"Every year, there are a lot of injuries on the first night! Panic brings more panic and spirits shatter... when this happens, it's time to..."

"I WITHDRAW!!!" a student yells out, about to be eaten by a plant. At that moment, a clawed paw comes down crashing on the plant's top.

"You will not get points for this one, now follow the guide out" Kalego states while pointing at the guide.

"Why do I have to go into the field?" Kalego grunts as he looks for more students. "It can't be helped, we have a lot of injuries the first night" Blushenko answers on the comms.

A black smoke then runs up Kalego's body, up to his shoulder where a person appears sitting on his shoulder, leaning on his head.

"There's 4 kids over yonder the big tree" She states while pointing north. "Be ready to get some withdrawals Darlin'"

Kalego nods to that, then tells her to get off, which she doesn't comply to. Not until she hears that Sullivan is over at the tents and runs towards them.

In the tutors tent are General Furfur, Raim, Vepar and Mr. Hat. And they are enjoying themself to some drinks and food. Chatting and bickering away, while replaying vids of their pupils. That's is when knocking is heard, and in enters Sullivan and Bachiko.

Each of them comments and compliments on each of their pupils, until the very end when a fight starts to break out about which ones would win.

Another set of knocking happens.

"Sullivan-san! It's great to see ya visiting, sorry I haven't been able to go ho- and visit ya lately, been busy preparing for this festival!" Jie-Jie rushes in and goes to grab Sullivan for a hug. While this is unfolding, the other people are watching it happen.

Bachiko is in disbelief that someone would be so casual to him, especially when you can see the gimel badge rigth there.

Raim, of course already knew her, as they were not only colleagues, but also great friends. Seeing this was no surprise, it was just another afternoon.

For lady Vepar and Mr. Hat, they did not react much, Sullivan is known for being quite friendly and playful with his employees. 

General Furfur however, is looking at Jie-Jie with want. She was hot after all. Small waist, but with some big ass and big titties, she is the perfect hourglass. She have strong legs and arms, but her feet and hands are dainty, her fingers covered in rings and her nails well decorated. He was practically undressing her with his eyes. Her unruly pink hair was pinned to the side, but framed her face perfectly. And her face is real nice to look at, with a experienced blue eyes and plump lips that would look cute wrapped over certain lollipops.  

"Hey~ General Furfur, but I'm sure you already know that" He introduces with a wink.

"Oh yeah! The tutor for Jazzy and Ally. I'm Jie-Jie, the physical combat teacher of Babyls." She introduces back, he views her up and down then stops, when noticing her cute nose twitching.

She turns around sharply tot he side, seemingly sniffing the air for a bit. A small smile dons her lips, and in a blink of an eye she is gone.

The others are stunned for a second while Sullivan chuckles.

"Her smell for death is truly amazing." He mumbles to himself, however Furfur was close enough to hear it.

"...What?" "Oh nothing!"

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