Chapter 13 - The mistake contract.

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A/N: this chapter is heavily inspired by death or marriage by Wito something something on ao3. if they're similar, then yeah of course, inspiration bitch.

Today is just an average day, of teaching classes, grading papers, eating lunch. Well, the only thing that made this average day, not so average, was the fact that Jie-Jie cannot see at all. No she broke her alarm the day before and woke up late, she ended up not having time to put on her contact lenses, but it's fine, she has her glasses in the bag right... right?

Nope, she forgot them in another bag, and now she been teaching trying to see what moves her students are doing by squinting, not that anyone notices it. After all it's a sunny day and they are outside, while she is in the direction of the sun.

When her classes was done for the day, she goes into the office to start grading some papers, well to her best efforts at least. Until Dali ushers her over to him.

"Can you bring these papers to Kalego? He should be at home today, but he needs these papers as fast as possible, this is his address" Jie-Jie doesn't even glance at Dali when she goes out with the papers in her bag, anythign to avoid having to squint anymore today. She looked at the address before calling out for Soi to read it for her.

"It's close to town, do you want me to go with you?"

"It's fine kiddo, go do your homework now, thanks for the help!"

When the time came, she took her ride out to his house. Warning never drive blindly, Jie-Jie was lucky since there is rarely anyone who is just walking around the 'road' but she can still drive past the place. had it not looked exactly what Jie-Jie thought Kalego would look like as a house, it's just missing his signature hair.

Not really wasting anything, she goes up to his door and knocks on it, waiting for a minute before realizing that he has a doorbell, so she rings that again and again. Until she gets tired and just tried the door handle and... of course it's closed. So she took a hairpin out of her hair and started to lockpick the door. When it opened she just walked straight to his office, or what should have been his office, but this is his kitchen. She studies the room a bit more, before noticing some nice alcohol in the cabinet on the side. She'll remember that.

When she goes upstairs, and opens the first door, she finds thankfully not a sex dungeon, but his office instead. She then walks to his desk, takes out the paper and plops them on the desk, nodding at her work then turning to leave. 

As she is doing this, she stumbles over some scales. She tries to kick it away so it won't danger anyone, however it just stays there. That is when she notices a a blurry form similar to a knife stuck on it. She bends down to look closer at the scales, both of the bowls have blood in it and it's gold and old. The knife sharp and has blood on it too. She looks at it then shrugs and continue her way out.

When she takes her next step a bright light comes from under her, blinding her more than she already was. When the light dimmed down, she sat down on the floor and starts too look at it closely. when she notices chalks making intricate stuff, she realizes that she has now activated something.

Not wanting to be in the magic circle anymore, she stands up and walks towards the kitchen, ripping open the cabinet door and taking out some whiskey looking alcohol and makes something close to that of a whiskey sour. Or whiskey sours.

When Kalego returns to his house, the first thing he notices is that the door is unlocked, then he notices lights in kitchen.

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