Chapter 19 - Another home.

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The birds outside were chirping, the sun was shining brightly. A small child was running in the forest, picking up her pace as she chased a big bird she saw. She jumps over the tree, slides down the mud, and runs over the puddles until she sees the big bird trying to fly away.

"MISS!" The young child screamed out. She takes a few breaths, before looking at the owl lady who had turned around, her face of that of an owl, yet having hair like that of a human and body as such too, only her arms were that of wings and her legs of that with talons.

"You dropped this." The child showed the Owl lady a pendant. One that glows purple, but out of the shadow shines pink.

"꓄ꃅꍏꈤꀘ ꌩꂦꀎ" The lady owl reaches her talon towards the child, gently taking back the pendant. As she sets it in her bag before readying her wings to fly once more.

"Can I see you again?" The child stops her before leaving. Her blue eyes glimmering with hope.


Jie-Jie slowly opens up her eyes, looking at the sun shining in through the window, gently lighting up her hand and nails.

She sits up and looks around, she was in her room, still in the clothes she was wearing since yesterday. She looks at the mirror across from her, she looked like a mess, her makeup was partially gone, her dress smelled like alcohol and her hair was frizzy.

"I should clean myself up." Her voice was low, barely a whisper.

As she walks down the stairs of their home, she can smell eggs and coffee from the kitchen.

She walks in to see her husband drinking said coffee with a plate of eggs and toast and some juice.

"You made me something to eat?" She looked shocked, but her face turns to appreciation. "Thank you."

He hums as she eats.

"You used to be a strip dancer, may I ask why?" Kalego puts down his coffee.

"Simple, because I had to survive. I was chased out, I had nothing after... well..." She hesitates, looking at her plate instead of at him.

Kalego can see that, he sighs but nods.

"You don't have to tell me everything, just know that as long as you're with me, I'll make sure that you won't have to live through that again. You won't have to return to that job, it can be dangerous."

Silence then dawns on them but after a short while a giggle breaks it.

"Thank you Kalego." She finally looked at him, those sharp eyes was softer now. She looked relieved.

"But I would have been safe there anyways. Jen and Jay always made sure that their employees was treated right."

Kalego freezes up as he looks at her, almost glaring.


Her smile widens even more, she can just smell jealousy off the man.

"Oh yes, this hunk of a demon, he got this amazing..." She watches as Kalego's muscles tenses up, his neck straining as he listens to her, his knuckles whitening as the coffee mug handle slightly cracks.

"...arms that his boyfriend loves to be embraced by." Kalego relaxes but by the smile Jie-Jie was wearing, he is not going to hear the end of this.

"He is also Jen's twin brother, identical even. The man specializes with security and deals while Jen does everything else."

Kalego nods, the blush reaching his ears first.

"By the way... As long as I'm with you? I'm safe?" She smirks as Kalego finally realizes what he said earlier.

This time his whole face flushes as he looks her in the eyes.



Lilith's paradise is quiet as of right now, only a writing of a pen and rustling of paper can be heard in the back of the establishment.

In Jen's office were mountains of paperwork, some done, some not. As Jen is signing and looking through files after files, some music can be heard behind her door, until it opens up and a bunch of the dancers comes in and started dancing in there.

Jen looked confused, shocked even as she grabbed one of the dancers.

"What do you all think you're doing?"

"Sorry boss, but Jie-Jie told us to do this!" then he resumed dancing.

Jen pens snaps, but that can't be heard in all this loud music.

Now with her job interrupted, she puts the broken pen on her deck and joins the other dancers.

A break was needed after all. 


Short this time since I'm writing again after 1 year approx. hope this was good enough, I'll try to be more active, but no promises.

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