Chapter 5 - Hide and seek.

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The park that Purson and Jie-Jie is in, is completely empty. Trees dance with the wind, the lone bench in the corner, the road decorated with leaves. you could hear the birds chirping. It was just the two of them right?

"Wait... what do you mean we?"

Purson was perplexed, he couldn't see anyone else here. Did she ask for one of his relative to be here? Or was she lying?

"Hm? Ya can't sense them? Think they teach you about that tho... Well no matter, go hide hun."

And with that, Purson did as he was told, with too many unanswered questions on his mind.

Purson's POV

We have been here the whole day, yet she keeps being able to find me. I don't get it at all. I mean I've used everything I've learned from the clan, I even pushed myself. I don't really understand what I'm supposed to do.

"Alright, I think that is enough for today, I'll give ya a hint hun. Take a look in ya family's library, and see if ya can find something that will help ya."

Sensei told me before she left to go home, I mean I get why she said that but also, how would she know if our library has the books? It's like she knows everything or something, I really hate it.

But it's not like I have another choice, anything I do doesn't work out... Actually what in the devi is presence? Like isn't just your body being visible? She talked about it as it was something else, maybe I should look for something that talks about it? Should I ask one of the teachers?

I look to the front of my gate, guess it's time to go looking.

Jie-Jie's POV

Man ya could truly just guess what that kid be thinking. The more his presence cries, the more obvious it becomes where he was. He really doesn't hide his presence at all. Did the Teaching of Aura have a fallin' out or somethin'? No matter, I'm sure he will find out.

I open up the door to granpapa's house, changed out of my uniform, and went to dinner.

Iru-chan was sitting there, he looked a bit distant, he wouldn't really answer me when I asked him how his day was. I hope trainin' wasn't to hard on him.

After that, I went to clean mahself up. How the hell have we been passin'? I mean everything other than mah ears, which I had done it to an elf when I was younger, screams human don't it? Hell we haven't even hidden Iru-chan's ears. Both of us don't got no horns or tail. He don't got wings either! Although he said not to worry on that part, and that he got that covered.

The bath is ready, and I get in. I scrub myself then reach for my back. I can still feel the bumps of the wing root from her.

Had I just not gone to hell all those years ago, I wonder if she would still be alive. And how high she would fly... That flying bitch didn't need to give me her wings at all.

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