Chapter 18 - Lilith's Paradise.

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"Where are we even going?"

"A place called Lilith's Paradise!"

Lilith's Paradise, that is a place where adult demons go to destress. It's loud, messy and sexual. It's a place where people take off their clothes for money, also known as a strip club. A place Kalego does not want to go to.

He looks at Jie-Jie and was about to protest going there until he is hit with clothes.

"Wear this."

Kalego takes a closer look the pieces he was given. It consists of a black button up, emerald green vest with detailing, a black tie, dress pants and leather gloves. He shakes his head and turns over to Jie-Jie who is already starting to change, by first dropping her dress.

He flushes when he realizes what is happening and springs up onto his feet to stop her.

"The hell are you doing, we are technically out in public!"

"I'm changing and ya should too, there is no one around at this time of the day anyway."

Kalego looks around, she isn't wrong, but it's still not right. And he says so to Jie-Jie, she however, pays no mind to the bickering and continues to changes, so Kalego ends up just blocking her body from views of potential passerby's. 

Jie-Jie picks up a green bodycon dress that is wrapped with black mesh, once on her body, he can see her upper belly and her chest quite well.

she then puts on some black pleasers then gives Kalego his dress shoes from home, and finishes by putting on a black fur jacket.

Kalego looks at the clothes he has and groans.

"Do you have anything that will hide me while I change?"

Jie-Jie nods and pulls out a portable dressing room, when inside Kalego does his thing while Jie-Jie puts on her makeup.

When everyone was ready, Jie-Jie opened up her portal to the lobby and they both stepped through. Once on the other side, Kalego falters, his head starts to spin and he takes a hold of Jie-Jie's shoulders. She only looks at him, but takes him over to a sofa, inside the club, calling for one of the waiters to bring some water.

Once the water arrived, he takes a swig and looks around the place. It wasn't so far off from the rumours, a lot of lights, loud music he hasn't heard before, and all types of demons in skimpy outfits. Those demons are dancing, stripping and some can be seen in the corner dragging some customers to another place, while others are calling for bouncers to get rid of rowdier customers.

He turns his head back over to Jie-Jie and they lock eyes. The blaring music dies down and the lights aren't as obnoxious anymore. He continues to look at her even when someone else approaches Jie-Jie and takes her attention away from him. Still the only thing he focuses on is her.

"Al- Kal- KAL!"

"Huh?" Kalego suddenly snaps back into reality, the music slowly fades in and the scenery unblurs itself. Jie-Jie nods her head to the side, where a lady can be seen standing.

She had tied her disco shirt to show her chest, her necklaces fall in between them, she has on an orange blazer and brown bell bottom pants. She also dons big hoop earrings and on top of her messy brown hair lays glasses and a brown bandana. She had on orange eyeshadow around her gold eyes that seem to be judging Kalego.

She stretched her hand out , long sharp orange nails with a lot of gold rings decorate her hand, as well as some tattoos.

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