Chapter 7 - The others training.

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Soi's POV

The last bell rings, signaling the end of the school day finally, however...

"That's all for today. Don't forget to do your homework. Now go to your training."

Kalego-sensei states, but like who can even do that. We are all dead tired from training afterall.

Like seriously, why did they have to make us try to get rank 4, it's like impossible, this is torture.

"Speak up. How's it going?" Shax Lied asked everyone, well everyone but me. He even gathered them in a circle, but that is to be expected. Honestly though, it does hurt like hell man.

"Everyone wants to know, right? It's been two weeks... We all want to know if others' training is awful as well."

Well he isn't wrong, I do want to know, and not only because Jie-Jie told me that I should use my free time to watch and feel after others living beings. Agares and Gaap mentions that Lady Vepar wants them to be better at their bloodline abilities, so to train them, she has them trapped underwater. That is fucking scary. Yeah I agree Lied, it is torture.

Lied training is playing all games in six days, that sounds fun, but according to Lied its bad. Must be, if a gamer says that. It makes him hate going home... huh?

Sabnock and Asmodeus don't get to go home at all? They have to land a blow first? That's crazy, at least Jie-Jie lets me go home.

Iruma mentions Jazz and Allocer, he tends to be attentive for sure. but they aren't here and nobody knows where they are, their last text was just pure terror.

Next is Clara and Elizabetta, and... they are posing, they have been pretty much posing the whole time. According to them, Raim-sensei mentioned that it's good or something, they must be really motivated.

On the other hand though, Kerori looked royally fucked. Mr hat wants them to spend time with beast to communicate, so he locks them up for hours in cages with the beasts, yeesh I could never.

And Iruma's training.... Is him being a servant? lol is he being tricked?

They all have it hard huh, I have to spend hours hiding from Jie-Jie, and potentially others as well, and when I get home I have to spend my time in the library to learn about presence. I never thought hiding would be so hard, I mean, no one ever notices me then all the sudden I can be found all the time? That isn't cool at all.

But I really never knew about presence at all. It was all thanks to that book that it takes Jie-Jie a bit longer.

A book, I need to find a book about presence, oh what in the devil am I doing? I've spent days looking for such a book and I haven't even found anything that resembles it at all. Maybe I should just give up, but that would make sensei disappointed won't it? Also its so messy in here, I get that we don't see anyone but can't we like clean up the place at least? And- what is that? The Teachings of Aura? That looks interesting, what does it even include? I flip open the book to the first page and bingo.

"Aura, also known as presence, is a supposed emanation surrounding the body of a living creature and regarded as an essential part of the individual. The energy in aura cannot be seen or heard by normal individuals but can be felt as a lingering feeling. Certain individuals can see, hear and feel the Aura, such as gods and deities, higher demons and higher angels, as well as anything related to the dead. As the Aura is a connection to the soul."  I finally found it.

The ringing phones brought me back, everyone's tutor called them back and so did mine. Iruma was the only one staying behind. Good luck to everyone then.

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