Chapter 9 - The Harvest Festival.

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In a room filled with food, sits Dali and Suzy.

"It's getting colder! Days like these are perfect for hot pot!" A ladle goes into the broth, and Dali lifts it back up to his face.

"Yis! In this season, the food is more nutritious and that increases your appetite." Suzy states while picking up a plate of vegetables and pushing them into the broth.

"SO YUMMY! I want our students to try it too" Dali exhales while Suzy excitedly replies.

"Good idea! Then... how about we have them harvest it themselves?"

The first-years' last practical exam is the Harvest Festival.

The Underworld is where only the fittest would survive, and to survive, one must acquire food. Afterall, nothing speaks more to the demons' hunting instincts than a predator devouring its prey.

Suzy have prepared this years field, just like she has done the other years. It's a gigantic jungle that has been set on Babyls backyard. It is a battle filled surrounded by fences and vines to keep the beast at bay, and the inside is filled with swamps, rocky areas and caves. This exam is meant to be done alone, however now it is more common to do so in teams, especially when winning this event, will give you a lot of prestige, as each winner raise their rank and go on to become big figures in the Underworld. This event could even be called a Gate to Success.

There are four entrances one can choose, behind them are beast and food you need to collect to gather points. The harder to get the more points it is.

To prepare themself for the event, some demons buy armour and weaponry, others train, and some gather information and data.

Some of the more notable people who can be winners this year are;

Mouthless Nafra, a first year that must be avoided the most.

The Dorodoro brothers, notorius rulebreakers who is retaking a test.

Orobas Koko, the student who keeps getting second place.

The Abnormal class, a carefree and easygoing class.

However, after the hell that the Abnormal class has been through, it would be better to call them: a ragged and serious class.

Their tutors are all up in a tree, watching how their students are doing. Except for Iruma, Bachiko, Soi and Jie-Jie.

Away from everyone is where they are standing, talking and encouraging their students.

"I reckon ya won't get that much on this event, as I a didn't get the time to teach ya some physical shit" She tells Soi, while looking as displeased as possible. Soi just looks at her, before nodding and leaving.

When Soi gets closer to his other classmates, he notes of their argument. About who had the most brutal training. That is when the speaker speaks.


Just as the demons are about to go in, the abnormal class huddles together, then shouts out.


Shocking everyone, and straight up just embarrassed Soi.

He turns around and looks at entrance 3. As of now, the Harvest Festival...


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