Chapter 20- The Six Fingers

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At the Sullivan residence.

"Great job with the training! Iruma won and got to rank 4, Daleth.

I'm so glad I entrusted his training to you!" Sullivan praised Bachiko, her flustered state making her stammer through the conversation.

"You're just as strong as the members of the 13 crowns, after all." Sullivan smiles at her, even nodding as she shakes her head.

"N-not at all...

They're all a little more..." She trails off before remembering Paimon.

"Except that annoying chick with no fashion sense..." Bachiko grits her teeth as she eats.

Sullivan laughs as he watches her, he appreciated her for accepting his request to tutor Iruma, and in some way, Bachiko appreciated it too.

In some ways, she thought she was just going to go home after seeing him but now?

"He's become my best student!" She tells Sullivan, a big smile on her face.

Opera cleans as Sullivan looks at Bachiko, a serious atmosphere surrounding them.

It was time to get to the topic, by speaking in an encrypted speech.

Sullivan starts by sitting down as Bachiko gets down on her knee, he was still a higher up to her.

"First- The next thirteen's dinner has been postponed.

This is due to the number of cases of powerful demons going missing recently.

Devilum, battlefields, high ranked demons are disappearing from various places.

The cause is unknown... but I do have a hunch... Yes...

They are famous for "doing many evil deeds"...

The six fingers.

They've left no traces... and that's how I know it's them."

Bachiko stands up, her face serious as she summons her bow.

"...I see, in other words.

It's time to use the pride of Barbatos.



"Ah, sorry, not at all." Sullivan covers his mouth, telling Bachiko to put away her bow.

"When the demon world is disturbed, that is when educators should focus on teaching the most. To give the students the best instructions, to raise and protect them.

We adults will bring peace back by properly guiding them.

That's why Bachiko, I want you to keep training my grandson."

Bachiko is a bit flustered but she feels gratified. Sullivan's dignity is amazing, that is why he is a demon king candidate.

She nods at his request.

"I mean, Iruma is human after all!" Jie-Jie suddenly appeared behind Bachiko.

This makes Bachiko snap out of the encrypted speech. Jie-Jie could see the gears in her head turning, thinking about the shit she had put Iruma through.

"The only people who know are the principal, myself, Jie-Jie... and Balam-sensei." Opera says as he walks closer to the people.

"Kalego too." Jie-Jie chimed in, shocking both Opera and Sullivan, for reasons she is unsure of.

Sullivan crouches down to Bachiko level, patting her head as he tells her.

"I will respect your will. We can erase your memories of this conversation... or protect Iruma together..."

As Bachiko is about to enter, a sleepy Iruma waltzes into the room, greeting his grandpa and butler.

"Opera-saaan, what's for br-



Iruma fully wakes up when he sees the two ladies he didn't expect.

His family approaches him, greeting him and coddling him as much as they can.

Jie-Jie looks back, seeing how Bachiko is still processing the information, perhaps going through her memory of everything that they had done together.

She could see Iruma approach her, then he sets a table, sits her down and pours her tea.

Like a servant.

"Bachiko-chan?" Both Sullivan and Jie-Jie said at the same time, Sullivan with a strict look while Jie-Jie had a terrifying smile.

"Are you treating Iruma as your servant?"

"We can't let this pass."

"No! This- this isn't what it looks like! It's part of his training!"

"I do laundry and cleaning too!"

"Oh my poor baby brother!"

Bachiko ends up leaving as Iruma returns to his room. Only Opera, Sullivan and Jie-Jie is in the room now.

"Did you find what you needed?"

"That and more, but there are still some threads lose, I'll update you when I have something more clear."

"Does it have to do something with the Six Fingers?"

"There is more to it than you believe."

Jie-Jie sighs, the silence taking over the room as the realization of how much will happen from now on.

"Will we be able to stop it?"

"Only time will tell."

"Well, for now focus on work Jie-Jie, after all, the Music Festival is starting soon." Sullivan tells her, which quickly turned to all of them gushing over how it will go and how cute Iruma will be.

Although, for some reason Jie-Jie has a bad feeling about this.

Since it a small break this week, I might be able to churn some more chapters.

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