Chapter 6

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"I have an announcement." He says standing in front of the team. Emily ignores him and just reads the file mindlessly. "Go on, bossman." Garcia says with her usual spunk. "Emily and I are expecting a baby." He says with a small smile. Emily eyes shoot a glare his way. "Oh my gosh!!" JJ and Garcia squeal in unison. They hug Emily tightly but the other profilers in the room don't miss the tension between their brunette couple. Morgan, Rossi, and Reid all congratulate them and Emily speaks up "Thanks everyone but right now we need to focus on the case." She says with a small smile. He sits across from her but doesn't even open the file. Once he realizes that JJ was done explaining the case he says "Wheels up in 30." They all get up, grab their go-bags, and head towards the air strip. On the plane the plane he sits directly next to her. She stares out the window not paying him any mind. "Emily.. please talk to me." He whispers once everyone on the plane was asleep but them. "I don't have anything to talk to you about." She snaps back still not looking at him. "Emily." He says with an annoyed tone. "I love you Emily. You know that! Please just give me a chance to explain." He pleads and she turns to him. Tears are lining her eyes and pooling in the corners. "We can talk when we get to the hotel. For now leave me alone." She whispers before turning back out the window. He leans over placing a kiss below her ear. The sweet spot he always kisses before bed that makes her shiver. A smile tugs at her lips and he walks to the kitchenette to get some water. She closes her eyes till the end of the plane ride. When it lands she is sleeping and he attempts to wake her up. With every attempt he fails. He hands Rossi their bags and picks her up one hand on her back and other arm under her knees. Her head rests in the crook of his neck. He carries her to his truck and lays her down in the back. He meets Rossi at the back of the truck and takes their bags. "Thanks Dave." He puts them in the trunk and Dave nods his head. "Take care of her Aaron." He says and Hotch nods. "I will. I didn't mean to hurt her." Hotch says walking towards the driver door. "I know." Dave says before walking to his own truck. He drives them to the hotel 10 minutes from the airstrip. Again, she doesn't awake so he carries her inside the room. At some point between him bringing their bags in and getting in the shower Emily had woken up because when he got out of the shower she was sitting on the bed staring at him. "Are you willing to talk now?" He asks after putting on his boxers and a white t-shirt. She stares at him for a few seconds more before nodding her head. He sits on the bed next to her and her eyes are fixed on the ground. "Emily I'm so so sorry. I was shocked. I wasn't thinking." He says rubbing her back. She pulls away and hurt fills his face. "Baby please..." He pleads reaching for her. "You don't want the baby." She whispers still staring at the ground. Shocked once again he stares back at her. "Why wouldn't I? Emily... why would you think I wouldn't want our baby? I'm going to love this baby so much!!" He says finally succeeding in grabbing her hand. "You said so yourself." She whispers looking up at him tears spilling down her face. "Emily I didn't know then! Just because I wasn't exactly planning on extending my family doesn't mean I won't love our baby!" He says putting his hands on her face making her look him in the eyes. "I'm so sorry for what I said. Please please let me prove that to you." She closes her eyes trying to reclaim her composure. "Emily I love you so much and I'm over the moon happy that we made a baby." Hr quietly waits for her response.

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