Chapter 23

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Chapter 23
Emily sat on the hotel bed staring at her baby who had just fell asleep. Jack and Sarah all showered and got into bed. They both had been silent but they cried themselves to sleep. JJ came out of the bathroom when there was a knock at the door. She opened and they were met with Haley's husband, Adam. He looked like a mess. JJ silently let him into the room and went to go grab his son from the playpen that they got from Brooklyn. Adam took his son Alex from JJ and put him in the car seat. "I know.. I know Jack and Sarah aren't my kids... but I don't want to cut them out of my or their brother lives. Soon I'd like to talk to Aaron about seeing them." With that he takes the baby and leaves. JJ walks over with cup of coffee and sits on the bed with Emily. "I made you a cup of coffee." Emily gives her a a thankful smile and sips on it. She's wearing one of Sarah's sweatshirt because she accidently grabbed it from the closet but she is wearing her own yoga pants. "It should have been me..." she mumbles wiping her tears again for the 100th time that night. "Don't say that Em.." JJ says rubbing her back. "Brooklyn could live without me. He would find another woman and Brooklyn wouldn't know the difference." She says looking away from the blonde. "Haley.. had Jack and Sarah.. they know their mom.. and need them." Again Emily broke down and JJ pulls her into a hug holding her tight. Hotch opened the hotel room door and dropped his bag. He had to deal with the police and it took longer than he expected. He looked over to see JJ looking at him with tears in her eyes. He nodded and walked over to switch spots. He gathered Emily into his lap and held her till she stopped crying. By then he had tears streaming down his own face. She had cried herself to sleep in his lap. He slowly laid her down and pulled the blanket over her. After she was tucked in and he kissed Brooklyn's head, he went to check on his other children. Jack laid asleep in the Twin bed closest to the wall. Sarah had awoken and was now staring at her phone in her hands. Hotch walked over to see and it was an article about what happened in the Hotchner household. He sighed and took the phone, hitting the power button. "Honey... please lay down." She backed up on the bed and laid under the covers staring at the wall. He leaned down and kissed her head. "Goodnight babygirl..." He walked to the other bed and kissed Jack. He turned off the lights and went back to his room with Emily and Brooke. JJ had just laid the baby back down from her first night feeding. "Thank you JJ... you were a great help." He says giving JJ a very grateful look. "Of course... just please take care of them. Take 2 weeks off work and just spend time with them." She smiles and hugs her boss before leaving. He changes into bed with his fiance withing he'd been there 3 minutes sooner.....

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