Chapter 27

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Chapter 27
Emily stood in the mirror staring at her reflection waiting for the last piece of hair to be pinned into place and she'd be ready. JJ hands her her bouquet but she doesn't take her eyes off of be image. Sarah sat in the corner talking to her best friend, Caitlyn completely ignoring everyone. "Emily please tell me you aren't getting second thoughts." Garcia says across the room holding a sleeping Brooklyn. "I never thought this would come.. me getting married.. having my own kid.. someone loving me."
Meanwhile with the guys in the other room at Rossi's house. "How are you feeling Aaron?" Dave asks tying his tie. "Nervous." He says adjusting his suit jacket for the hundredth time. "If you didn't feel nervous I'd be worried." He says laughing now tying Jack's tie. "I can't believe I'm marrying Emily freaking Prentiss." He says shaking his head.
About a half an hour later Mike Prentiss entered the girls room. "It's showtime ladies." All the girls quickly went downstairs and started getting ready to go down the aisle. First JJ and Dave walk down. Followed by Sarah and Derek. Then Garcia and Reid. Emily sat Brooklyn in the white wagon that was being pulled by Jack. After everyone was at the end, the music started playing and the guests stood up. She held onto her dad's arm tightly as she stepped into view. Immediately her eyes met Hotch's. She took his breath away. She looked beautiful. Well, she looked beautiful all the time, but in this moment all he sees is her. She gets to the end and Mike kisses her cheek before taking a spot next to Liz. They link hands still staring into each others eyes. During the whole ceremony they watch each others eyes. They completely ignore everybody only paying attention to each other. Finally it was time to say I do. "Aaron, do you take Emily to be your wife?" The priest asks. "I do." Hotch whispers smiling at Emily. He squeezes Emily's hand and she smiles back. "Emily, do you take Aaron to be your husband?" He asks now looking at the brunette. "I do." She says her smiling growing bigger than ever. "You may now, kiss your bride." Hotch steps foward putting his hands on Emily's waist giving her a kiss trying to convey every feeling he had. She put her arms around his neck kissing him back. They heard clapping, whistling, and cheering in the background but still focusing on each other. When they finally broke away the priest said "I now pronounce you Mrs. and Mr. Hotchner." Everyone cheered again and Hotch lifted Emily off the ground. She squealed and he smiled. He carried her down the aisle. They finally were married. At the end they stopped again to kiss each other. Sarah moved to talk to her friend Caitlyn. "I cannot believe that bitch is now officially my step-mom." She groans and her friend laughs. "Good luck with that one.".....

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