Chapter 11

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A/N- Very short chapter. Sorry!!

Chapter 11
Emily's eyes switched back and forth from the bag of 6 joints laying in her boyfriends hand to Sarah. "Why do you have these Sarah!?" Hotch asks infuriated. "THEY AREN'T MINE!!!" She yells back crossing her arms. "Emily found them in your shorts!!!" Hotch yelled. Sarah sat there for a moment contemplating her next move. "Maybe she put them there! So you'd send me back to my mother and she can keep you for herself!!" Sarah yells stomping off to her bedroom before either adult could respond. Emily's jaw about hit the floor. She couldn't believe she just blamed that on her. "I'm going to call Haley." Hotch says walking away. Emily sighs walking downstairs to Sarah's room to get the laundry basket. She opens the door and steps in. Before she can reach for the laundry basket Sarah starts screaming. "GET OUT!! GET OUT OF MY ROOM!! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT YOU STUPID BITCH!!" Emily is stunned at her outburst. She quickly grabs the rest of the clothes and basket leaving the room to walk to the laundry room. After putting the clothes into the washer she finds herself sitting on the floor, her knees pulled up to her chest and her head tilted back against the wall. Minutes later she hears someone slide down the wall next to her. Opening her eyes she sees Haley sitting there. "Hi." Emily mumbles in shock as to why she is sitting next to her ex-husbands girlfriend. "Thank you Emily. For immediately telling Aaron... you truly are a good person. Most girlfriends would have blown it off or taken it on themselves." Emily fonds herself tearing up and jumps to hug the women. During the hug Emily hears Haley whisper "And thank you for taking care of Aaron." Emily just nods against her shoulder. With shaky breathes they both let go and laugh. "We are all about to have a talk upstairs. I'd like you to be up there." Haley says standing extending her hand to Emily. Smiling she takes her hand and the 2 women walk upstairs....

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