Chapter 29

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Chapter 29
Emily held Hotch's hand and leaned against him while they watched the video. "A few weeks before my mom died she told me somethings. She told me that my dad truly loves Emily. She told me Emily loved Jack and I just as much as she loved Brooklyn. I didn't believe her. No kid wants her dad to remarry. She told me to give Emily a chance because she only means well. I didn't believe it. But tonight as you marry my dad, you become officially my step-mom. I've been dreading it but Emily, you're perfect for my dad. You make him so happy and complete him. A step mom is a wonderful thing. You choose to love Jack and I unconditionally. You don't have to. You choose to. Thank you for marrying my dad. Congrats you guys. I'm truly happy for you." The video ends and everyone claps. Emily turns to Hotch with tears rolling down her face. He smiles and kisses her nose. "Go." She stands up and walks towards the door. She lifts her dress away from her feet and walks towards the hotel room. She unlocks the door and let's it fall shut behind her. Sarah rounds the corner shaking a baby bottle. "Shouldn't you be downstairs celebrating?" She asks looking confused at the tears rolling down her face. "I just seen your video." Without warning she walks over and hugs Sarah tightly. Careful not to step or ruin Emily's dress she steps forward and hugs her tightly. "Thank you sweetheart." More years slide down her face and land in Sarah's jet black hair. "Go get back to your wedding." She says pulling away and Emily smiles. "I'll be back to check in." She leaves the room and ventures back down to the reception. When she walks in she finds everyone on the dance floor. JJ and Garcia quickly pull her towards them and dance in a circle. "I can't believe you're finally married Em!!" Garcia exclaims and JJ gives her a big hug. "I'm really glad you are finally happy, Em. You deserve it." She smiles back and they all continue to dance together. Soon Kevin, Hotch and Will come over and dance together. The night went on and everyone had a blast at the wedding....

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