Chapter 24

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A month later the family is trying to get back to normal. Hotch had returned back to work 2 weeks after Haley's death. The funeral was only a week ago and the kids are going back to school today. Emily got up early with Brooklyn to make breakfast. The little brunette was laying in the bouncer looking around with curiosity. Emily stood at the stove making cinnamon french toast with coffee brewing in the coffee pot. Hotch walks downstairs first still looking groggy in his boxers and white t-shirt. "Good morning." She says smiling at him. "Good morning beautiful." He kisses her and she smiles. "Coffee is brewing and here is your breakfast." She turns handing him a plate of 3 pieces of fresh french toast. He smiles kissing her forehead and sits at the table. "Are both kids going back today?" Emily asks finishing cooking and piling them all on a plate in the middle of the table. "Yeah. Sarah decided last night." He responds. Emily pours 2 cups of coffee and sits next to him. He lifts up his fork and feeds her a bite of his syrup covered piece. "That's good. I can remember to pick them both up after I run some errands." She says pouring sugar into her coffee. "We might get a case today. I can stay behind this one so you don't have to deal with all of them alone yet.." He says searching her eyes for any sign of nervousness. She smiles and shakes her head. "I can handle them." Just then Sarah enters the kitchen dressed in jeans and a sweater. "I'm having a cup of coffee." She states tiredly and sadly. "Creamer is in the door of Co the fridge." Emily says getting up to make her a plate. When she reaches for a plate for her, a hand grabs her wrist. "Stop. I can do it myself." She takes a different plate and Jack trudges in and plops down at the table still wearing pajamas. Emily fills the plate in her hand to give to Jack. "Thanks Emily." He says while he slowly eats. "So Sarah think you are ready?" Aaron asks his daughter taking a sip of his coffee. "I can't keep sitting home and crying about it all the time. It's time for me to go." Sarah says coldly. She was looking Hotch in the eyes and he could tell she was lying. She wasn't ready to go back. "What about you Jack?" Emily says pushing hair out of his eyes. The little boy shrugs "I miss my friends" he states simply. Brooklyn starts crying and Aaron is out of his seat picking her up before Emily could even get up. "God that thing cries a lot." Sarah groans putting her plate and cup in the sink. "Sarah stop. This 'thing' is your little sister and she's a baby." Hotch says giving her the stare. She throws her backpack over her shoulder and walks out of the house without saying goodbye.....

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