Chapter 9

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Chapter 9
The next morning Emily is back in the bathroom throwing up while Hotch is downstairs with Sarah. He is cooking breakfast when she slowly comes downstairs with her hands covering her mouth and nose. Sarah gives Emily am amused grin as she sits down. "Good morning baby and Baby." He says kissing her forehead and placing one hand on her still flat stomach. "Touch me again and I'll bite your hand off." She snaps and he pulls away slowly. Sarah starts laughing but stops when Hotch glares at her. He puts 3 plates on the table. Emily eats slowly so when him and Sarah are done he sits and waits for her. "JJ called this morning. Party at her house. No kids though. Adults only." Hotch tells her when she starts doing the dishes. "Looks like I'm not going." She mumbles clearly angry. "Our little pea doesn't count yet." He laughs kissing her temple. "You are coming and you will have a blast." Hours past by and Sarah goes to her friends house for a sleep over. Emily is getting ready in her room when Hotch yells "EMILY HURRY THE HELL UP!" She quickly finishes her makeup running downstairs. "Stop. Rushing. Me." She snaps. She has been in a mood all day long. Together they get in the car and drive to JJ'S house 15 minutes away. Before they could knock JJ already was swinging the door open. "Hey!!" She says pulling them inside. Quickly Emily, JJ, and Penelope are all in the kitchen talking while the guys are playing poker in the dining room. The girls aren't drinking due to Emily being pregnant so all the alcohol is with the men. "Then we were about to get to it and... I got morning sickness that doesn't like to just be in the morning." Emily ends with a sigh relaying the information about the night before. Penelope sighs and JJ shakes her head. "Girl I feel you. Morning sickness never hits at the right time. It's a real boner killer." Penelope starts laughing and Emily spits out her ginger ale both shocked that JJ just said that. "God I'm not looking forward to pregnancy." Garcia says jumping off her chair. "I'm gonna use the bathroom." She says walking away. "We are going to check on the boys." Emily and JJ walk into the dining room. Emily stands behind her husband who is downing his 5th drink that's being concocted by Rossi himself. He smiles a lazy smile up at her with his eyes falling shut. "Oh hey there baby!" He exclaims trying to pull her down to at kiss. "Aaron... love... are you drunk?" She asks faking a smile. "No no no." He says with a wave of his hand. JJ starts laughing at the sight never seeing her boss that wasted. "He's had a lot to drink." Morgan says not even trying to stifle a laugh. Penelope comes in and catches one look at Emily. Tears piling at the corners of her eyes. "What did you guys do!!" She explains grabbing her brunette best friend pulling her into the kitchen. The tears finally fall and Penelope quickly wipes them away. "He's drinking!!" Emily yells years cascading down her face. "Emily Prentiss sweetheart. Why is it so bad that he's drinking?" JJ asks now standing next to Garcia. "He's mean!!" She says trying to wipe away the tears. "Does he hit you?" Penelope asks with large eyes. "No he'd never." Emily says sniffling. "He just says some mean things." She says finally able to stop crying. "God. I'm only a month and a half pregnant and I'm already all hormonal." She says laughing. Meanwhile with the guys... "You should go check on her man..." Morgan says nodding to where the girls had exited. Hotch shakes his head while dealing the next hand. "She's such a whiney bitch sometimes." All the guys look up at him shocked. Never before have they heard their boss talking about Emily like that. "Aaron, I think it's time for Emily to take you home. Don't you think?" Rossi offers gently taking the cards from his best friends hand. "Like I want to go home and deal with her yelling and nagging. We don't even have sex anymore!! I tried yesterday she pushed me off and ran to the bathroom to puke." Hotch groans rolling eyes. "JJ!" Will calls out and she comes into the room looking not happy. "I'm going to drive Aaron home. Emily can stay the night in our guest bedroom." JJ nods and goes back into the kitchen. "Alright Emily. Let's get you upstairs because this party is being shut down." Penelope leads her upstairs and Will takes Hotch home......

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