The years

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As the years passed by Y/n was now 16 and has gotten stronger and had learned to control her powers efficiently. Throughout the years she has killed over a dozen of people. Her first kill was at the age of 5 she had killed a trader of the Red Room organization. She still remembers that day very vividly. But maybe one day will be different.

(Y/n P.O.V)

I was in deep sleep then all of the sudden I hear a loud bang at my cell door.

Hurry up Y/n training is about to start you have 15 minutes the guard warned. I got up from my small and dirty cot and started to but on a black training braw along with simple black leggings. I then proceeded to put my hair up in a bun. I stood in front of my cell door and sighed as the door was being opened. The guard proceeded to bring me to the training room. I always hated training became every time I'd train we would have to fight one another to a bloody pulp. I never really liked going on missions and killing others. Every night I always have these waking nightmares of all the people I've killed. Once I had arrived to the training room we started of with hand to hand combat then we had to use weapons. I had chosen my signature weapon the dragonfly dagger. As soon as me and my opponent stepped on the mat we attacked. I tried by best to dodge the knife she had in her hand but to my dismay she had slightly cut the inside of my hand. It hurt so bad but I knew I couldn't stop. So I kept on swinging. Then after 15 minutes I had my dagger to her throat. All I saw in her eyes was fear. Then I hear the teacher "Finish her Y/n, we show no mercy to the weak" the teacher spat. "I can't do it" I yell and remove my dagger from my opponents throat and stand up. In that instant the teacher snapped her fingers and a guard try to grab me but I tried my best to fight back but I wasn't strong enough and he threw me over his soldier. I tried to escape his grip but nothing. I was thrown in my cell and more of guards came into my cell and beat me and tazzed me. I was huddled into the corner crying after. All I felt was pain I wanted it all to end.

I'll probably post another chapter either today or tomorrow

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