A not so calm walk

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3 months later>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Y/n's POV
It's been a while since I've been out the Red Room I still have nightmares about it but now Peter is always there to calm me at my time of need. This whole boyfriend and girlfriend thing took me a while to get used to. For example into the first week of me and Peter dating I woke up and I forgot I was sleeping with Peter and my instincts kicked in and I tackled him to the floor. Luckily for me I have a very patient

I woke up today in an empty bed. I get ready for the day and head downstairs.
"Has anyone seen Peter?" I ask everyone in the kitchen
"He's in the training room hun" Nat says with a warm smile. I thank her grab an apple and head to the training room. I walk in and OMG Peter looked so hot sure he was sweaty but damn he had such a handsome physique. I almost chilled on my apple and I guess he heard me and walked over to me grabbing the apple from my hand and tacking a bite.

When he walked to me it was as if he was kind of shy all of the sudden looking confident while exercising and when he looks at me I can see he gets all nervous and butterflies start to form in his stomach.
"Hi baby, glad to see you up" he says with a smile and giving me a kiss that sends chills down my spine
"Hola mi amor, ¿tienes hambre?"(hi my love, are you hungry?)I ask him in Spanish
"Sí" he responds
" Me puedes dar panqueques Por favor" (can you give me pancakes please) he says to me
" oh mi amor you've been practicing your Spanish it sound good" I say as he follows me to the kitchen

"Hello love birds" Tony says with is classic smile
"Tony leave them be" Pepper says with an eye roll

After Tony and Pepper ranting on and on about how they used to be just like us when they were our age,me and Peter go to our room while I lay on the bed Peters goes and takes a quick shower.

"I was thinking we should go out to the park, you know just me and you" I tell Peter

"Yeah that sounds nice mi amor" he replies from the shower

After Peter was done getting ready we went out. Everything was so calm and peaceful I didn't want this walk to end. All of the sudden on the corner of my eye I spot someone following us.

I give Peters hand a squeeze 3 times to alert him something is wrong, he catches on and we both get out of the park and start walking to an empty alley. We stop and I see a man with the Hydra symbol on his uniform.

Me and Peter immediately take action. Peter lunges at the man and both are in a fight I then proceed and sweep the man's leg we continue to fight. All of the sudden when Peter wasn't looking the man pulled out a gun shooting Peter in the arm . I call his name this caches me off guard. The man grabs me trying to take me away but I put up a fight then I took one look at Peter and felt a sharp pain in my neck......

The Dark Witch (Peter Parker x y/n) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang