Fresh start

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(Next day)
I woke up out of breath. I had this horrible nightmare of Red Room and them torturing me but maybe it was more of a memory than a dream. I get up from my bed and just sit on the floor criss cross I don't know why I liked sitting on the floor but it's probably because one of the only memories I have of my parents or my mom to be more specific is when we where laying on the floor in her and my dads room and she had a record player playing "Put your head on my shoulder" by Paul Anka and she was singing the song word for word. It's one of the only happy memory I have. But besides remembering the life I still could've had I sat on the floor just staring into space. All of the sudden I hear a door open to see Peter. As soon as I seen him I give him a light smile and in return he also smiles and start to press button on a key pad that was connected to the cell, and the clear cell door was open. Once he opens it I was in pure shook usually when the Red Room would open my cell was to experiment or beat me. Once he enters the cell and got closer to me I panicked and moved quickly towards the wall and brought me knees to my chest and tried to hide from him as much as possible. As soon as he noticed me he seemed to have a frown on his face and proceeded to reach is hand out for me for comfort.

"Hey it's ok y/n it's just me Peter I won't hurt you like they did, I'm here for you, you can trust me"Peter says in a soft and comforting voice

Once he says that I look around and see if there's any one else behind him. My breath is unsteady bit I place my hand on top of his. His hands where soft and smooth. I then lifts me up with ease we lock eyes and I brake the eye contact.

He turns around and tells me, "Sorry if I scared you but there's some good news you'll be living here and I will be watching over you maybe once your more settled in I can show you around the city. Oh and I almost forgot Mr.Stark will be enrolling you into the same school I go to so you won't be alone." Is all of that ok with you

"Ok um when do I have to go to this school" I say with curiosity
"Um I think Mr.Stark said next month" I then nod
"Oh and I'll introduce you to the other avengers if your comfortable enough."
" Ok sound good, I hope none of them are mad at me for you know almost killing you all" I say in a nervous tone
"Actually they all agreed for you to leave here so so think there over you trying to killing um he" He says in a reassuring voice

Once we reached the room where all the avengers were Peter opens the door. I took a deep breath and once the door was open they all looked my way. I showed a small smile trying to lighten the mood. They all seemed to give me a smile showing me they where not mad.

"Hey kid nice to see you no worries we're not gonna kill you" Be said reassuring me I then wave and say hi to everyone's d they all return with a hi and say there name. After about 30 minutes of getting to know everyone and all of them getting to know me I felt somewhat comfortable and at home like I belonged.

The Dark Witch (Peter Parker x y/n) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora