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The next day Peter had came and enters the avenger tower to be met with Tony airing for him.
"Sup kid, sorry for the short notice but we got a problem on our hands and we need you."
"Sure thing Mr.Stark what can I do ?"
" Remember that one girl that tried to kill you ?
"Yeah why?"
" Well we need you to ask her some question we thought she might be more comfortable with you considering you both are the same age and be careful she's a trained assassin she can attack at any moment."
" Don't worry I can handle it Mr.Stark"

(Peters POV)
Mr.Stark takes me to the room where they held the girl. I still think about yesterday how she could have killed me but didn't. Maybe there is remorse within her. Last night when I looked into her eyes she had remorse and in a way she seemed hurt. Once I get to the two big grey doors of the room I open to be meet with a dark room with a huge circular cell that had lights all around and inside was the girl. This time I could see her face better and she was beautiful her gorgeous y/e/c , her goddess like feature everything about her was so perfect. She noticed me and looked me up and down observing my every move. I was so nervous I didn't want to alarm her but here goes nothing ...
"Hey I.. I.. I'm Peter Parker" I mentally face palm dam-it Peter she could clearly tell your nervous!

(No One's POV)
The team could hear Peter in the other room due to the recorders and then all of the sudden they heard from the recorders...
"Hey I.. I.. I'm Peter, Peter Parker" Tony face palms himself, Natasha shakes her head and Steve says while shaking his head
"Did he really just say his name?"
"I need a drink" Tony says getting up from his chair and going to the bar.

(Y/n's POV)
I noticed that the boy from last night came in and I could see him more this time. Come to think of it he's actually kind of cute his chocolate brown eyes and curly yet calm brown hair and his cute smile that could light up a room. My facial features didn't seem like I was head over heels for this boy but in my mind I sure as hell was. All of the sudden to ease the tension he told me his name . He said his name was Peter Parker. I love that name. He then asked me what was my name so here goes nothing ...
" My names y/n, y/n y/l/n" I said in my clearest voice possible
" Oh that's a nice name" Peter said with a smile
"I would just like to ask you a few questions if that's ok with you?"
"Sure, what would you like to ask me"
"Um well, who do you exactly work for?"
"Oh, well I used to work for the Red Room, I was brought in when I was 3 and I've been there ever sconce of course until now. I'm sorry for all the distraction I caused really. I don't really want to hurt anyone I just wanted to get out of the Red Room." Wow all of that just came out with ease. This conversation actually felt kind of nice considering I'm in a cell.
"Wow thats a lot. What happened to your parents?"
"The Red Room killed then and took me"
"Wow thank you for telling me this"
" You're welcome Peter Parker" I said with a wink and a sly smile.
I could tell he was blushing hard but to be fair so was I.

(No one's POV)
Peter left the room and went into the meeting room with everyone else. Once he entered he took a seat.
"Thanks kid you did good" Tony said patting his back.
"Ok now that we have information on her where are we even going to put her?"
Peter raised his hand
" You know you don't have to raise your hand kid"
"Oh yeah sorry, um but I was thinking maybe she could live here I mean if you really think about it remember yesterday she had her dagger to my throat and she didn't even kill me when she obviously had the perfect opportunity to do so, and she even said she didn't like to kill people she said the Red Room was forcing her."
Once Natasha heard what Peter was saying she immediately felt sorry for the girl because she knew what it was like to be in her situation.
"I say we should do it" Natasha said
Then after Natasha said something then a bunch of I agree and why not's coming from the rest of the group.
"Fine, then it's settled, but Peter you will have to stay here for a while and keep and eye on her I will call Aunt May to tell her you're staying here for a while"
"Ok Mr.Stark sounds good" Peter said with a big grin on his face. He was excited to actually spend time with y/n and become friends maybe even more.

The Dark Witch (Peter Parker x y/n) Where stories live. Discover now