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I wake up and look to my side to see Peters arm wrapped around my waist. I get up out of bed trying to not wake Peter. I get up and go into the bathroom and I notice there's blood?

What the Hell?! Am I dying holy shit holy shit!!!

(Peters POV)
I wake up to hearing Y/n/n yelling saying "Omg fucking god I'm bleeding!"

I jump out of my bed and see that the toilet has blood.
"Holy shit you got your period omg I feel light headed" I say and y/n/n looks at me with worry

"Omg are you ok"she asks me
"Am I ok are you ok, you just go your period"
"Is this what all this blood is?!"
"You've never had your period?!"
"No I haven't" she says in a duh voice
"It's ok I'll go get Wanda and Nat BRB" I say and go run off into the living room
"Wanda Nat I need you or more specifically Y/n needs you she got her period"
"O shit" I hear Nat say

They follow me to see Y/n huddled in the corner completely paranoid.
"Y/n I brought Wanda and Nat their going to help you with your situation" I say gesturing to the toilet filled with blood. She doesn't respond and stays still.
I reach out to her and she moves closer to the wall.
My heart breaks a little and I step back and see Natasha walk towards her saying
"Estas bien?, acabas de tener tu periodo todo estará bien" (you ok?, you just got your period everything will be ok)
She nods.
"Is that Spanish?" I ask Natasha
"Yeah her file says her first language is Spanish and she was from New Mexico, Mexico I thought if I spoke to her in Spanish maybe it would calm her" Natasha informs me
I nod and walk out of the bathroom to give them some space.

(Y/n's POV)
I start to calm down now and Natasha and Wanda inform me about my period and how I can get cramps and Wanda was very graphic with how much pain the cramps cause and how I have to be careful because I can get pregnant if I don't use protection.
It was a lot but know I feel better I got out of the bathroom and Nat and Wanda leave. Now leaving me and Peter alone in his room.

"I'm sorry" I say in a quote voice looking down at the floor
"It's ok it natural at least Nat and Wanda where their for you" he says trying to cheer me up. I look up and give him a smile and he does the same.

"Also I'm sorry about your bathroom door" I say
"Meh, it's ok Mr.Stark can replace it"

"Ok, well I'm gonna go back to my room and take a shower" I walk past him and head to my room. After I take a shower I fall fast asleep and my stomach low-key hurts. P.S I learn low-key from Peter

The Dark Witch (Peter Parker x y/n) Where stories live. Discover now