"borrowed" hoodie

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The car ride was awful the car ride consisted of:
"Y/n I have you a set of rules and you broke the most important rule!" Tony says turning to me while Steve is driving lookin at me through the rear view mirror.
"I know I'm sorry but the kid was being a bully and calling Peter names I was just trying to defend Peter, is it so wrong to try and defend someone" I say in a apologetic tone.

"I know Y/n but you have to understand that these aren't as strong as you, you need to control yourself" Steve says in a lecturing tone.

" Not to mention you also drew attention to yourself" Tony said rubbing his temples

"Ok, I'm sorry it won't happen again"

"You're lucky I have good lawyers just in case the kids parent decide to sue us" Tony says

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~

After a long lecture from Tony and Steve I went to my room and did I my homework. After I finished I took a shower and got into sweats and a red hoodie that I "borrowed" from Peter.

An hour later and Peter arrived home and we studied for the upcoming test for science. Right after we where about to finish studying Peter looked up at me and said:
"Is that my hoodie?" He asked me
"Nooooo" I said in a suspicious manner
"It is my hoodie give it back!" He said reaching towards me and me dodging him
"No if you try to grab it I will energy blast you" I said looking straight into is eyes with my irises glowing black and black energy blasts forming in my hands
"Ok ok I give, cheater" he said mumbling the last part

I got up to put my books back in my bag and I felt hand lift me up from the ground with ease and I started to squeal.
"Let go of me!" I said while giggling
"Not until you give me my hoodie back" he said
After a minute of trying to pry myself from his arms I escaped and ran out the door as fast as I could.
"you have to catch me if you want the hoodie!" I said while running away from him giggling and seeing him behind me running
"Damnit y/n/n"

I started to run up stair and found all the Avengers sitting down at the kitchen island and some in the living room. I wave with a smile on my face while Peters seems out of breath.
"What are you two doing" Nat asks
"Peters trying to take his hoodie but I ran away before he can get it" I say while running around
All of the sudden I lost Peter and look around myself and all of the sudden Peter grabs me by the behind and flip him over my back.

He groans.
"OMG I'm so sorry it was instinct"I says helping him up
"Oh, it ok I've gone through much worse" he said a little out of breath
"Damn little assassin you knocked the wind out of Pete"Tony said chuckling

Once Peter was on his feet I took him to his room and sat him in his bed while I went to get pain killers and water. Once I gave it to him I told him:
"I'm sorry, here you can have your hoodie back"
I said tacking of my hoodie revealing my sports bra and him with utter shock on his face looking down at the floor immediately.
"Oh um it's ok y y you can have it" he said stuttering a bit
"Ok thanks" I said with a smile on my face

For the rest of the night I took care of a Peter and we watched scary movies with me clinging on to Peter and accidentally burning a whole on his bathroom door with my energy blast because I got scared. But we don't talk about that. ;)

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