School Sucks

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(Y/n's POV)
It's been a month and today was my first day of high school. I get up and take a shower and get ready.

This is ur fit sorry if u don't like it

After I was done I headed down stairs to see Tony drinking coffee

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After I was done I headed down stairs to see Tony drinking coffee.
"Hey little assassin"
I roll my eyes and grab a apple
"So today is your first day of school and there are going to be some rules."
I nod my head
"Ok, rule 1: don't get into a fight please, I don't want a call in the middle of the day hearing you almost killed a kid. Rule 2: Stay with Peter at all times. And I think that's it. FYI Happy is going to drive you."
"Ok sounds good thanks Tony" I say biting into my apple and leaving towards the front and got into the car with Happy. For someone who is named Happy he didn't seem like a very happy man.

I finally arrived to the school and there were a bunch of kids. I thank Happy and walk inside and see Peter and he smiles and waves.
"Here I got you you're schedule we have all the same classes except E.L.A which is the period before lunch do you think you'll be ok?"
"Please, I'm a assassin I think I can handle not being with you for 45 minutes."
"Yeah, right, I forgot about that" he said stifling a laugh

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~

(Y/n's POV)
I just got out of my 5th period and everything seems to be going well so far and the teachers are very nice.
Once I put my books back in my locker I'm also met with Peter also putting is book in his locker. Coincidentally our locker are next to each other. We both say hi and walk to the cafeteria. When all of the sudden I hear someone yell Penis Parker. I move my head towards the house to be brought with some boy with a brown complexion with black hair above his shoulders. I give him a death glare while Peter looks down.
"What you looking at b*tch" he spits at me and something snap and I walk up to him and punch him square in his face. Then I keep going while Peter throws me over his shoulder taking me away from the scene.
"Don't you ever call Peter that again and who do you think you were calling a B*TCH, A*SHOLE" I say yelling across the hall way as Peter bring me into a closet and finds stuff for my bloody knuckles.
"Are you ok" he asks me
"Yeah I'm fine, are you ok?"
"Yeah just glad you got out of there before one of the teacher saw" he says letting out a little laugh

All of the sudden the announcement says "Y/n Y/l/n please report to the principals office immediately"

"Son of a b*tch" I say lowering down my head in annoyance

"Well wish me good luck, hopefully Tony doesn't kill me" I say walking out and thanking him for helping me clean up

I get to the office to see a angry Tony AND STEVE. I mentally face palm. School Sucks.Well Sh*t, this is going to be a hell of a talk.

I'm so sorry I haven't posted in a while. I had writers block and couldn't really think of any ideas.

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