Chapter 27 My Big Boy

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When Diego came downstairs he had tony clung to him like a monkey. He also had nasle spray vicks vaporub and child medecine. In his hand.

I reach my hand out for my baby and diego passes him to me. I sit him on my lap as I bounce him a little as I grab the vaporub and rub it on his chest and on his top lip which makes him whine and move out of my grip. "mama no" he says his voice all hoarse so I shush him a little. I grab the nazel spray and I go to put It in his nose but he moves out the way.

I move my hand so his head is in my hand from the back as I tried to limit his movements. I place the nazel spray in the correct position before spraying it and doing it to his other nostril and he starts crying. He reaches out for Diego trying to get out of my grip and Diego takes him putting Tony's head in his chest as he rocked side to side a little.

"pass me that."Diego says pointing to the medicine I slide it to him and he opens it and pours the liquid into the spoon it comes with making sure to get the right amount it says on the bottle for a three year old. Tony sits up as he look at the spoon.

Diego offers him the medicine. "No daddy." he says moving his head to the side. "you need to take it bum." Diego tells him moving the spoon towards his mouth. "T look." Diego says and Tony looks at him. Diego opens his mouth before taking the tiniest bit of medicine. "mmm see daddy's had it now you have it" he offers the spoon to Tony again and this time Tony opens his mouth before placing his small hand on top of Diego so he feels like he's holding the spoon before eating it.

He gives Diego a look of betrayal which causes Diego to let out a chuckle. "mama I want you" Tony says which shatters my heart. I take him of Diego and hold him like a baby. My baby. I kiss his head moving his fallen curl out of the way. I sway as he drifts off.

"your my baby." i whisper and he groans. "mama I big boy now" I giggle. "your mamas big boy." i kiss him again and he smiles as he drifts off to sleep. As I watch him. Gabi gives everyone some dessert before sitting down. "you know hes a daddy's boy right?" Diego blurts out.

I don't even look at him my eyes still on our son as I flip him off and I hear his laugh. "don't be jealous." i glare at him but he just find this hilarious. With the free hand I take a bite of dessert. "This is really good Gabi." I say giving her a smile and she smile back.

I nudge Diego who was also eating the dessert his mouth full. He hums and raises his brow so I know I've got his attention."do you know what would be good with this cheesecake." he freezes and looks at me with a look that tells me if he didn't have his mouth full he would have whined at me. "pickles" he finishes his bite with a sigh before getting up and getting a jar of pickles. He gets a slice placing it on his cheesecake before doing the same to mine.

I grab my fork taking a bite with the pickle and me and Diego eat it at the same time and It just tasted amazing. "that slaps." i say Covering my mouth and Diego nods in agreement. But eats his cheesecake without the pickle whereas I finish mine with pickle. After I finish I just continue eating pickles.

I look down at Tony to see him still knocked at his mouth open little snores coming out. I stroke his cheek with my thumb and he doesn't move. "cheesecakes good bebita." Diegos papa says and Gabi blushes a little with a wide smile. Which causes me to smile. "daddy's girl just like me" I say to gabi and her smile widens even more before nodding.

I look down as I realised just how much I missed my dad. "Im a mamas boy" Diego says. "that's where Tony gets it from." Diego flips me off and I laugh. "diegos the biggest daddy's boy don't get that wrong." he tells me. "well new ones is a mommys baby." Diego scoffs.

"that's because your carrying them also they won't be for long not after they see there handsome father." i laughs at Diegos sudden boost of ego and the fact that he's currently wiggling his eyebrows.

Once I stop laughing I look at Diego at his gorgeous smile I can't get enough of and then his eyes that he shares with my son."I love you so much." he says taking my hand and intertwining them and kissing my hand. "I love you too" I smile with the biggest smile on my face.

"please you two don't know what love is your too young." his nana says taking away my smile. "nana what do you mean I'm nearly 21 you were married at this age and had a kid 2 years late what do you mean." Diego says chuckling at his nanas stupidity.

"so how long are you and nana staying for papa." Diegos asks looking at Tony. "were planning on staying for just a week so we can leave a day or two after your birthday" Diego's grandfather says with a sweet smile. He seemed like a nice quiet man which shocks me cause he has a loud mouth ignorant bitchy old hag as a wife.

"we were kinda hoping they could stay in the new ones room. I know there's baby clothes in the closet and a crib and rocking chair in the corner but it's the only spare room that has a double bed in it. The rest either has singles or none at all." Diego's mom says with a pleading look in her eye.

Diego looks at me and I give him a look only he knows a look thats saying 'I don't like her and I don't want her around me or my baby' but he tilts his head and gives me the 'come on for my sanity' look. "do they have there own secret language or something" Bryan asks confused.

"no not really Bryan and gabi yes they can stay in there." i give her a little smile

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