Chapter 3

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                     ~JONAH'S POV~
Adam said not to let Evelyn's words get to me, but I think I'm doing the exact opposite. She called me pathetic, and that really hurt. Adam can tell it made me feel like shit when she said that, so he's been holding me all day. All we've been doing is watching TV and cuddling. That's about it. Other than that, there isn't much else to do. His mom's dead and his dad isn't in his life anymore, so I'm pretty much the only person he has to talk to. So, he is trauma-dumping on me, but I don't mind. He did start crying once or twice, but a quick cuddling session would make that go away real quick. He's asleep now, and I really need to piss. I ease his head off my shoulder and lay it on a makeshift pile of pillows I laid down for him. After another round of Navigator, I finally find the bathroom. I do my stuff and go back into the living room. Adam is still asleep, so I might have enough leeway to put his head back on my shoulder. When I lift his head, Adam does give a dissatisfied grunt, but stays asleep. I put his head in my lap instead. He's so handsome, it almost makes me wanna die. His hair is so unbelievably silky, too. I run my fingers through it. I let out a moan of pure pleasure, not loud enough for Adam to hear. Him just laying here is giving me urges. And he smells so good. Smells like sweet sex. His breaths are so steady as well. I let out another moan. Oh, I can't take this anymore! I lean down to kiss him when he suddenly perks up, presumably from a nightmare. His chin knocks me in the mouth and I feel myself bite my bottom lip. "AUGH, FUCK!!" I yell. I can feel the blood pooling in my mouth. "I'm so sorry, baby! I didn't mean to do that." Adam says. His tone seems odd. "Itth fine." I say, getting up to get a tissue from the kitchen to soak up the blood. Adam gets up with me. I take the tissue and shove it in my mouth. Adam watches. "Uhh.. fwo you fwant somefing?" I ask, the tissue still in my mouth. "Yes, I do." Adam is staring me dead in the eyes now. I take the tissue out of my mouth. "Adam, you're being creepy. What's up?" He stays staring at me. "Is it something I did?" "No and yes." "What do you mean 'no and yes'?" I ask. "I know what you wanted to do to me while I was sleeping." Adam replies. He steps towards me. I'm looking up at him now. "Oh, babe~." I moan. He wraps his arms around my neck. "Yes?" He leans down like the little perv he is. I really don't care what my body does. I'm horny as fuck. "Ugh~" I moan again. He is very close to me now. His body is so warm. I wrap my arms around his waist. I resist the urge to stick my hands in his pants. I can tell we are both really turned on right now. We might have to take this to the bedroom. "Do you love me?" Adam asks, suddenly serious. "Why would you ask that? Of course I do!" I say. "Then prove it." Adam says. I stand on my tiptoes and lean into a warm kiss. He never fails to make me submit. He holds me in his arms for a moment before lifting me up onto the counter. I wrap my legs around his waist and continue kissing him. Holy fuck, I might just take off his pants at this point. I can tell he's enjoying the kiss because he lets out pleasured moans when it gets good. He unzips my jacket and pulls it off my arms. I'm loving this.
                      ~ADAM'S POV~
Kissing Jonah never seemed more fun than it is now. Seeing him in this submissive state makes me want to fuck him harder than last night. I pick him up off the counter and carry him to my bedroom. He rustles his hands in my hair and bites my lip. It feels so good. I lay him down on the bed and clamber on top of him. He takes my hoodie off and continues to kiss me. He's on top now, and I feel nothing but domination coming off of him. I kiss him harder. He seems to like it because he lets out a lengthy moan. We disconnect for a second to catch our breath. "Adam~!" Jonah moans. Oh yeah. He definitely likes this. I flip him over and take off his shirt. We continue taking each others clothes off one by one until we are completely, dead-ass naked. Jonah is loving this, I can tell. My hair is so ruffled, it looks like Jonah's. "Ahh~!" Jonah lets a moan escape him as he submits even further. I fuck him harder. He bites my lip harder than before. I let out a moan this time. "Oh, Jonah~!" I scream. Tonight, I want to be the one on top of Jonah. I'm seeing stars now. This feels soo good. We catch our breath again. "Daddy~" Jonah says. Woah. Daddy? I've never heard that one before, not even from last night. Meh, whatever. Maybe if I go down on him harder, he might say some other funny, kinky shit. We resume our passionate session until Jonah has had enough. He unlinks himself from me and is visibly breathless. He lays down under the covers. "Oh, Adam. That was great." He says. "Better than last night?" I ask. "Oh yeah." He bites his lip while saying this. I let him catch his breath for a second. "Ready for Round Two?" "Round Two? Adam what do you--" I kiss him more. Once again, he submits to me like always.
We bang multiple more times before we start getting our clothes back on. "Ugh. What time is it?" Jonah asks me. I look at my clock. "Holy shit." "What is it?" "We started at 8:30, right?" I ask. "Uh, yeah, why?" "Its 11:00 now. We've been at it for more than two hours." My mind is in awe. I can't believe I've had Jonah in my bed for more than two hours without him getting bored or anything. "Wow. Um.. do you have any painkillers? My ass really hurts." Jonah says. "I bet. I went down on you pretty hard, huh?" "Yes." "Hard enough for you to say 'Daddy' apparently." "Wait, what? I never said 'Daddy'. You must be hallucinating." Jonah says, clearly taken off guard. "Yes you did. You said it multiple times, actually. I thought it was sexy, so I didn't say anything about it." I say. "Whatever." Jonah rolls his eyes at me and goes into the living room. I lay on my bed and try to comprehend everything that has happened in the past two and a half hours. I didn't think Jonah was as good at sex as I am, but I guess I underestimated his capabilities. He sure knows how to put on a show, that's the truth. "Uh, Adam? Who are these guys? And why are they kissing on your couch?"

          ~~~END OF PART THREE~~~

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