Chapter 19

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(Mentions of nosebleeds, so if you're sensitive to blood, this chapter might not be for you OwO)

My father has always been the slightest bit of abusive towards me, even when I was a kid. He would always say that he just "didn't like who I was" or that he "hated my personality". He would even go to the lengths of hitting me (and I don't mean a lighthearted slap. I mean like a punch to the jaw) sometimes when he didn't like what I did or what grade I got on some random assignment at school. But now that I have Adam, I know that's all wrong. Adam loves me, and that's all I care about. Nothing else. Nothing else. Nothing else. Nothing el-
I hear Adam shout my name. I quickly shake my head and turn my head to slightly face him. It's only now that I realize I'm still driving.
"You missed it."
"Missed what?"
Adam yells at me out of frustration. He facepalms himself as I turn back towards the road. Oh shit. I did miss it. I guess I was zoning out pretty hard. I take a u-turn where I can and head back in the direction of Taco Central.
"What are we gonna tell them? I mean, why we took so long."
Adam starts to talk to me, the madness in his tone quickly fading. I perk up my head and respond as I continue driving.
"Oh. We could just tell them there was a really long line or somethin', I dunno."
My mind is somewhere else, so I can't really give a straight out answer. Adam slouches in the passenger seat and starts to sniffle loudly. "What are you doin' over there?" I ask. I then look back to Adam to see him fighting a nose bleed. "Oh crap! Hang on." I frantically search for a tissue or something to stop the bleeding. Since we're in the drive thru, it doesn't really matter if I'm not paying attention to the 'road'. I find a box of tissues in the back seat and toss them to Adam. He catches it and grabs one out of the box. He quickly shoves it up his nose before blood can get everywhere.
"Thanks, Jo. I really don't know where that came from." Adam sniffles against the tissue as his blood dyes it maroon-ish red. "Damn. That's running pretty hard, huh?" I chuckle as Adam pulls the blood-soaked tissue out of his nose, wads it up, and shoves another one in its place. "Yup. Oh, pull up." I turn to look at the road ahead to see that there are two car links worth of space in front of me. "SHIT! ADAM!" I turn back to him as I pull up.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"Because I was too busy bleeding to death over here." He giggles as he points to his nose. I pull up in the line and turn sassy towards Adam.
"You know better than to NOT tell me when to move up in line."
"Well sorry my body just decided to make my nose bleed, princess."
Adam sticks his tongue out at me before swapping his tissues again. I spare myself from watching by turning my head so I don't have to.
"Eww. It's just so disgusting how it's all just.. gushing out."
I fake gag before turning back to Adam. He has successfully managed to swap the tissue a second time, and is staring out the window at a bunch of birds. They've apparently just landed in the parking lot while I wasn't looking, because they weren't there before. I may not be observant, but I'm observant enough to know that.
"Those are Tamaulipus Crows. They're very common where we live."
I am utterly stunned at what Adam just spat out. Of course, he could be saying random stuff to impress me, but what if he's right? I quickly pull my phone out of my pocket and type in the name he just said.
"Double checking me, baby?" Adam chuckles as I nod my head. 'Tamaulipus Crows' pops up with an image. I click on it and hold it out to the side. Luckily, one of the crows managed to land on the hood of our car, so I get a firsthand look at their appearance. I carefully study the bird for unique features before looking down at my phone to see if they match. And wouldya guess what? They could not have been more similar. It's like they took a picture of the same bird, just in a different loca- actually they did do that.. but MY POINT STILL STANDS. Adam got the bird thing right.
"Wow. So you aren't stupid?"
I turn back to Adam and laugh. He playfully punches me before pointing ahead again, signaling for me to pull up. I do so, and notice that I'm next to order.
"Did Mark and Cesar even say what kind of tacos they wanted?" I ask.
"No. Now that you mention it, no they didn't. That's odd. Want me to give them a call?"
Adam pulls out his phone and readies the keypad.
"That's okay. I'll just order six soft one and six crunchy ones."
The car ahead of me pulls up and I pull up after it. I roll down my window and stick my arm out of it.
"Thank you for choosing Taco Central! How may I serve you today?"
"Um, hi! I just want six soft tacos and six crunchy ones, please."
"Okay! Your total will be at the window."
"Thanks." I pull up as the car in front of me pulls up.
"When we get back, are we just gonna drop off the food and leave? Or are we gonna stay?"
I turn to Adam and try to discuss what we're gonna do after this.
"Uh.. I haven't really gotten that far yet. I guess we could just go back to your house."
"Sounds good!"
I then reach over and cup Adam's chin in my hand. He stares up at me with his beautiful blue eyes. I tighten my grip slightly and pull him into me. Our lips softly meet as we slowly kiss each other. I remove my hand from his chin after we've kissed for a minute or so.
I sigh and reel back into my car seat.
"What's wrong?" Adam's tone is lined with concern
"Oh. It's just.. ugh, you're making me want to fuck you now!"
Adam chuckles and places his hand gently on my thigh. He slowly slides it up until he cups my inner thigh. He then squeezes, not too hard, but to just enough to make me softly whine.
"Maybe I'll let you when we get to your house~"
"Adam, stop~! You're such a fucking tease."
He giggles before letting go of me so I can drive up. I roll up to the window and stick my head outside the car.
"Here are your tacos! That'll be $20.47."
I hand the lady my debit card and take the tacos out of her hands. I place them into Adam's lap.
"Ah- shit, that's hot."
He squirms under the box as it burns his thighs.
"Its not that hot. Just put it in the floorboard or somethin'."
Adam grabs the box and places it down by his feet as the lady comes back to the window and hands me my card.
"Thank you so much!"
"No problem."
I drive away and hand my card to Adam so he can put it back into my wallet..
Once we reach the house, I pull into the driveway and turn my car off. I then hop out and grab Adam's door. I open it for him and he steps out with the box of tacos. I offer to carry it, but he declines and walks up to the front door. I trail behind him as he knocks with the two fingers he can. Mark answers the door.
"You got our tacos! What took you guys so long?"
Adam and I steal a glance at each other.
"Oh, uh.. there was a really long line, so we had to wait." Mark smirks at us. "There was an hour long line?"
"Uhh... yeah..?"
Mark laughs and sighs.
"I know you guys fucked. Just admit it. You were acting super eager before yall left. There's no other explanation."
I sigh and nod at him. He smirks again in triumph as Cesar walks beside him and grabs the box of tacos.
"Well, we were gonna go ahead and head out if that's okay with you guys."
"Oh yeah! That's fine. It was fun having you guys over. We need to do this more often."
Adam smiles and waves as he walks back to the car. This time, he gets in the drivers seat and I get in the passenger's seat.


"Is This What Love Feels Like?" Adam X Jonah Fanfiction (NSFW + CUSSING)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora