Chapter 13

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If I'm being completely honest with myself right now, no part of me wants to know what Adam saw in that room. I mean, I could hear how loud and hard they were moaning, so it's only fair to assume they were really fucking each other. I guess it's really rare for them to do It that hard, because the look on Adam's face when he closed the door was one that I've never seen before. It looked like a mixture of terror, confusion, and straight lack of will to live. Although, yes, Adam does not have that much of a will to live, but this moment really just brought that out in his face. Anyways, now we're at McDonalds, so that's cool. Adam pulls into the drive thru and sticks his head out the window. "Welcome to McDonald's! How may I serve you today?" A voice comes onto the speaker.
"Hi, yes, we'll just have four Happy Meals, please."
"Yogurt or apple slices?"
Adam turns his head to me. Both of us get Yogurt, but we don't know what Mark and Cesar like. And it's too late to ask now since they're absolutely destroying each other (presumably).
"Two with yogurt and two with apple slices."
Adam turns back to the speaker and says the stuff he wants. He swivels his head to me again and whispers. "If they don't like apple slices, we are gonna have to give up our Yogurt." "Damn." I sigh, but shrug anyways. "I guess that's fine."
"Okay! You're total will be $19.84 at the window."
Adam goes to take a sip of water out of a thermos in his car when he suddenly gags on the straw at the mention of the price. "*COUGH COUGH* Thank you- *COUGH*" Adam pulls up behind the car in front of us and rolls up his window. Once Adam manages to collect himself, he spits out a couple sentences. "How is it that much?? I only have a $20 dollar bill on my and that's cutting it REAL close!" "It's okay, Adam. I took a class about inflation when I was in college and that's exactly what it is." I chuckle. "But.. you didn't go to college, Jonah." I laugh a little. Adam sarcastically laughs and then playfully punches me in the shoulder. "OW- I mean it could hurt worse!" I taunt Adam. He rolls his eyes at me and pulls forwards in the line.
Once we get our food, we decide to go back to the house and just try to ignore Cesar and Mark. While we're driving there though, Adam looks weird.
"Hey, Adam?" Adam can't turn his hand, since he's at the wheel, so he just talks to me.
"Somethings off. What's wrong?"
"Nothing." Adam reaches into one of the Happy Meal boxes and pops a fry into his mouth. I grab his wrist before he tries to take another one. "What. Is. Wrong? I can just see it in your eyes. You're not right right now."
Adam glares at me and takes his other hand off the steering wheel to grab a fry. I grab that hand as well.
"JONAH! LET GO! I CAN'T DRIVE!" Adam is panicking, but I'm not.
"Not until you tell me what's wrong with you." "IT'S NOTHING, OKAY?! NOW LET GO OF ME BEFORE WE--"


Suddenly, the car swerves to the left and cruises into a ditch.
"SHIT SHIT SHIT!!!" Adam slams his foot on the breaks and the car comes to a screeching halt.
Adam snaps his head towards me and yells. I still have his wrists in my hands.
"LET GO OF ME, YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!!" Adam tries to wrestle his way out of my grip, but it's no use.
"You know, none of this would've happened if you had just told me what was wrong."
"WELL, IT'S TOO LATE NOW. GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!" He continues to try to make an effort to at least loosen my grip. I've decided I've had enough of his tantrum, so I let go of him.
"Fucking prick." Adam mumbles under his breath before stepping out of the car to see what damage the swerve caused it. After a couple minutes, I see Adam grasping onto his head by one of the wheels. "FUCK!!!!" His scream is so loud that I can hear it in the car. I jump out and walk over to Adam.
"What happened?" I ask.
"Why the fuck would you care? It's not like you're gonna help anyways." Adam rounds the corner of the car and pops his trunk. I notice that the back-right wheel has a large gash in it. We must have driven into a branch on the way down into the ditch. Adam grunts a little as he picks up the spare tire he has in the back of his car. He carries it over to me and sets it down at my feet.
"You wanna help? Watch this while I call someone to help us replace the tire." Adam pulls out his phone and leans onto the side of the car. He pushes a couple buttons and holds the phone up to his ear. It rings a couple times before someone finally answers. "Hello? .... yes... yeah, I just drove into a ditch on accident and one of my tires got slashed.... okay... yeah, I have a spare...... thank you so much... goodbye." Adam removes the phone from his ear and presses a button. "I'll be in the car." He walks around to the driver's side door and hops into the car. I watch through the window as Adam lays his head down on the steering wheel.
"Damn, it's fucking cold out here."
Since we're in the middle of nowhere, there isn't anywhere I can go and buy something to eat or drink. Instead, I just have to stand out here and wait for someone to get here and fix our tire. My breath shakes as I exhale. It's so cold that I can see my own breath. I put my hands on my arms and rub them up and down. Tears start to well in my eyes. Why did I grab Adam's wrists like that? I knew he couldn't drive without at least one of his hands, but I still did it anyways. I was the cause of this. I let a single tear rub before I decide to take a risk and jump into the car with Adam. I open the passenger side door and climb in. Adam lifts his head off the steering wheel and looks up at me.
"What are you doing? You're supposed to be watching the tire."
"Yeah, I know. I just.. I want to apologize."
"...Go on."
"I want to apologize for grabbing your wrists like that even though I knew you couldn't drive. And I'm also sorry for making you mad. And lastly, I'm sorry for ever establishing the no-kissing rule."
"Pfft. I know you're not sorry, but thanks for at least making an effort to apologize." We sit in the car in complete silence for a minute. I then grab Adam's face and turn it to look at mine. Adam's eyes widen and his breath quivers.
I then pull Adam's face into mine and kiss him. I close my eyes and enjoy kissing Adam again. His posture stiffens as he tries to stay upright. After a couple seconds, I let go of him and pull my lips away from his. He kind of just stares at me for a moment. "J-Jonah.." Adam looks down and fiddles with his fingers. I tilt my head and looks at his face again. "Hang on. How long did the repair driver guy say he'd take?" I ask. "Uh.. around 20 minutes." "Mm.." I scoff and sit back down in my car seat. "Hang on." I open my door and climb out of the car. I round the back and open Adam's door. "Jonah, what are you--" I then grab Adam's shoulders and pull him into me. Our lips connect, and I let out a sigh of relief. Not kissing Adam just didn't feel right. "Mm!" Adam's muffled comeback has already been absorbed in my mouth. I don't like having to stand up to kiss him though. I disconnect from Adam and lick my lips. I then lower the seat so Adam is kind of leaning back and step into the car. I sort of straddle him and sit on his lap. I close the door and wait for any comebacks he has for me. Instead, I look down to see Adam's pants have a huge bulge in them. "Oop-! Adam.." I look back up at him and giggle. His face is bright red. "S-sorry, it's just I missed you." "I missed you too~" I lean back down to kiss Adam when the people Adam called pull onto the side of the road. "Shit! Ahh!" I quickly get off of Adam and crawl over to the passenger seat just in time. A man walks out to our car and Adam climbs out. They talk for a while and I'm still in the car. I sigh and put my seat back. I wonder if Adam has a hat in his car. Ooh, he does. I take his little beanie he has and stick it on my head. Much better. After about five more minutes, Adam climbs back into the car. "Okay, the job is done!" He says. "Okay. Let's go!" I say. Adam drives out of the ditch and we drive back to Mark's house..


"Is This What Love Feels Like?" Adam X Jonah Fanfiction (NSFW + CUSSING)Where stories live. Discover now