Chapter 25

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It's been a chill couple of days since Jonah fucked me. Since I couldn't walk the first two days, Jonah has made me ramen noodles and anything else I asked for. He also has been very considerate, watching TV with me or sitting on the couch just cuddling with me every chance he's gotten. I yawn as my eyes flutter open, instantly blinded by the light flooding through the window.
"Augh!" I put my hands up to my eyes as a sort of shield against the light. Once my eyes are done adjusting, I take my hands off. Jonah is nowhere to be seen, so I guess he's just making breakfast for me or something.
"Morning, love! I cooked you some scrambled eggs!"
Jonah suddenly appears in the doorway, carrying a bowl of steaming hot eggs. They look decently seasoned, black dots peppering the tops of the yellow clouds.
"Ooh, thanks."
He walks over to me and sets the tray in my awaiting lap. Jonah also hands me a fork to eat with. I stab my fork into the yellow delight and bring a forkful to my lips. Opening my mouth, I shove the fork into my mouth.
"Mm!" I nod my head as Jonah takes a seat next to me in the bed. He pushes some stray hair out of my eyes as I continue to eat my eggs in silence.
"So, I was thinking about last night and.. it was very enjoyable."
"Mhm." I mutter as I shove a forkful of eggs into my mouth.
"And I was also thinking that.. maybe you would want to go out for a drive later?"
"Mhm." Another forkful of eggs into my mouth.
"Okay, good. I've bought some extra weed if you wanna smoke that too."
"Mhm." I lick my lips and eat another forkful.
"Can you stop saying 'mhm' to everything? It's starting ta piss me off."
"Mhm- oops. Showwy."
A piece of egg flies out of my mouth and onto the bedsheets. Jonah plucks it off the bedspread and pops it into his mouth.
"What do you wanna do in the mean time?"
A couple rounds later and Jonah and I are making our way out to the car for a late-night drive. I buckle my seatbelt as Jonah slides into the passenger seat. He cracks his window just a little as I start the car and back out of the driveway. I don't know how, but Jonah manages to roll a whole ass blunt while I'm driving. Whatever. I get onto a major highway as Jonah lights the blunt and takes his first hit.
"Mm. Haven't had that in a while. Want some?"
Jonah holds the blunt out to me. I think for a moment before deciding 'fuck it, why not?'. I grab the blunt out of his fingers and bring it to my lips. The smooth taste of weed hits my tastebuds as I deeply inhale.
"Fuck, that's good. So, whatcha wanna listen to?"
Jonah fiddles with the radio, flipping through station after station before landing on one he seems to like. It's a song titled 'Dark Red' by Steve Lacy. Hm. Doesn't sound too bad. I hand the blunt back to Jonah and he takes another puff.
"Hey, uh, what's the speed limit around here?"
"No clue. Fuck it, no cops are out here anyways. They've got better shit to do."
I chuckle as I floor the gas pedal, speeding well up to a hundred miles per hour. Jonah clings onto the side of the car, laughing as I blast the song on the radio. I hand the blunt back to Jonah and he takes another hit. Smoke funnels out of his mouth as he leans his head back onto the head rest of the car.
"Oh, this is nice. I love being your boyfriend."
Jonah chortles and accidentally coughs on some of the smoke he blew out.
"You good?" It takes Jonah a moment to regroup himself, but once he does, he reassures me that he's fine.
"Okay then. Where do you wanna go?"
"Anywhere, Addy. Anywhere."
It's been about twenty minutes since we first hit the road. Both Jonah and I are decently high, the road contorting in my vision a little as I steal the blunt from Jonah.
"Ya know, what if.. what if we get caught?"
"Whaddya mean, Jo?" Jonahs voice quivers, so he must be scared.
"Well, what if we get caught speeding or smoking or.."
"Its fine, Jo. It's literally midnight. No cops or police are gonna be out here anyways. We're totally fine."
I look out at the road ahead of me and see a curve to the right coming up. I slowly edge the wheel as the car turns right.
"Okay. And give that back!" Jonah takes the blunt from my fingers and blows more smoke out of his mouth. Reaching the end of the bend, I see a car parked on the shoulder. It's idle, and no one is getting out of it. It looks to be a black SUV of some sort.
"Oh. Someone broke down."
I pass them with ease, laughing with Jonah at something stupid he said. The car zips by Jonahs passenger side window.
"Woah, dude. Slow down. I think that's a cop."
Jonah looks back at the idle car with a worried expression, handing the blunt back to me.
"Re-lax. It's not a fuckin' cop. Like I said earlier, we'll be fine."
Jonah faces back to the front as I roll my eyes and chuckle.
"No, Adam. I'm being serious. Look."
He gestures behind him and licks his lips. I peel my eyes off the road and turn my head to see the same SUV following close behind us. Nothings too off about it, so I turn back to the front.
"Jo, it's totally fine. Nothin' ta worry about!"
I take another hit of the blunt and playfully blow the smoke in Jonahs face. He coughs, breathing it in.
"A-Adam, stop! Pull over, man!"
"We are fine, Jo- oh shit."
Suddenly, flashing lights of red and blue colors fill my vision as I turn back to look at the strange vehicle. Yup. That's a police car, alright. Guess it really was undercover.
"HANG ON!" I shout at Jonah before absolutely flooring the gas pedal, driving it into the ground as the car moves faster and faster.
Jonah raises his arms out the sunroof as he cheers for me to go faster. We race down the highway, on the run from a fucking merciless cop car.
"Stop the car now." The police megaphone shouts out the passenger side window of the car and fills my ears. I take yet another hit of the blunt and hand it over to Jonah, who sucks the smoke in.
I throw my hand up into the sunroof and shoot the officer the finger. I don't think he takes kindly to this, as his speed increases as well as ours. Jonah laughs as well, taking another hit of the blunt. Suddenly, I hear gunfire.
"OH FUCK!" I swerve out of the way of the bullets as the fly past my car. Yeah, I think we should pull over before more chaos breaks loose.
"Hang on, Jo. Ima go ahead and pull ove-"
Jonah is really shaken up about the gunshots so I swerve over onto the shoulder. The cop seems happy, easing himself onto the corner behind us. After a couple moments, the cop steps out. It looks to be a middle-aged man, his long blonde hair tied up in a loose ponytail behind his head. He has tired blue eyes as he walks over to our car. I roll down my window as the cop meets me there.
"Well, first off, do you have any idea how fast you were- KOFF KOFF!!"
I take the blunt out of Jonah's hands and take a puff, blowing the smoke into the cops face as I finish. I know it's not the smartest thing to do, but I mean, I'm high. What do you expect?
"Is that weed, young man?" A cluster of blonde falls in front of the officers face as he talks to me.
"Yeah- I mean no. Wanna hit?" I offer the blunt out to him.
"You're goin' to jail."
"WHAT?!" My face flushes at the news. I, Adam Murray, only twenty-three years old, am going to jail?! Theres no way.
"Wait.. you two look familiar.. drivers license and registration." The cop holds out his hand, beckoning for me to put my info in it. I hastily dig in my wallet as I struggle to find my wallet. Soon, I do, and I hand it over to him. He examines it for a moment before looking back at me.
"Adam Murray?"
"Adam... I know I know you.. oh! You know Mark?"
"Mark Heathcliff?"
"Yeah! You know his uncle?"
I am bewildered that the officer actually knows who I am. Maybe this can have its advantages.
"Yeah, I know Dave."
"He's my coworker!"
"Oh, cool. So that means you'll let us go?"
The cop stares at me for a moment before holding out his hand.
"Just between me and you boys, yes I will. No one else is here anyways. Just.. be sure not to drive too fast. Also, the names Thatcher. Thatcher Davis."
"Alright, Thatcher. Have a nice night."
"You too, boys. Also, can I get a hit of that?" Thatcher points to the weed in my hand.
"Yeah, sure, why not?" I hand the blunt to him and he takes a long inhale. Blowing out the smoke into the blackness beyond, he hands the blunt back to me and nods, heading back to his car.
"That was.. odd."
"Yeah, I guess it was. Well, ready to go, Jo?"
"Mhm. I love you!"
Jonah gives me a soft peck on the lips. I smile and say 'I love you' back as I put the car back into drive.


"Is This What Love Feels Like?" Adam X Jonah Fanfiction (NSFW + CUSSING)Where stories live. Discover now