Chapter 8

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                      ~ADAM'S POV~
Turns out, we do have pasta. Jonah stands on a chair in the pantry and leans forward to grab the box. I'm holding his waist so he doesn't fall, even though I could easily get it myself. He finally grabs the noodles and falls back into my arms. "I got it!" He shows me the noodles and the sauce. "Ew." He tilts his head. "What's up?" "I just don't like alfredo sauce." I say. "Oh. Then, do you want regular sauce?" He asks me. "Sure." He jumps back onto the chair and grabs the regular sauce instead. He shows the sauce to me, as if he wants me to confirm it's the one I prefer. "That's the one." I say. He jumps back down and hugs me. "I love you!!" Jonah says. He squeezes me harder. It's like he's gonna hug all the air out of me. "Okay, Jonah. I get it." He lets go of me and smiles. He has one of his funny-looking smiles on. I laugh. "I love you too, baby. Now let's make pasta." I say. I lean down and peck his forehead. He rushes back into the kitchen and pulls out a pot from one of the cabinets. Once its filled with water, Jonah turns on the stove and sets the pot on one of the burners. "And... now we wait." Jonah says. His voice sags. I can tell this will be a very boring wait without any spicing up of things. "I know what we can do while we wait~" I grab Jonah by his shoulders and bend down. He looks up at me. Suddenly, he launches up on his tiptoes and presses his lips against mine. The feeling is sensational. Jonah brings me so much joy. I am so glad we're together now. I feel his hands enter my shirt. Oh, it's on. I slink my own hands into his pants. He then pushes me against the counter. I slide down it until we are sitting on the floor. He turns to the front and leans onto me. I spread my legs so he can sit between them. I put my hands on the insides of his thighs and spread his legs as well. He lets out a long exhale, like he's been waiting for this. "Adam~?" He whines. "Yes~?" "I think the waters boiling." He says. "Oh, but that doesn't have to stop us~" I kiss his neck. "Mm~" Jonah lets out a small moan. Smaller than usual. I stop. "You just want to eat, huh?" I ask. "Yeah. Maybe we could continue this later if you're down for it. But only kissing tonight because my ass still hurts." "Heh, okay." I kiss him again and he lifts himself up onto his feet. He offers his hand for me to pull up on. I do so, and he almost falls over. "Damn, you're heavy." He lets out a sigh of laughter. I love him. Sure enough, the water is boiling. "Wanna do the honors?" Jonah asks. He hands me the box of spaghetti noodles. "Sure!" I say, a little too overenthusiastic for my own good. I pour in the box of noodles and watch the slide down the side of the pot and into the water. "Set the timer for..." I look at the box, "eight minutes." I watch as he walks to the counter and sets a little timer for eight minutes. "Now, we wait again.." He looks up at me. I look down at him. We both know what we're both thinking. And just like that, we both lunge into each others arms and passionately kiss for the remaining eight minutes.
When the noodles are done cooking, Jonah takes a strainer and pours the noodles into it. I watch as the water rushes out of the little holes of the strainer. It's actually quite satisfying. The steam rises up and grazes the top of the ceiling. "Now that I think about it, I haven't made noodles in a while now!" Jonah comments. "Really?" "Yeah! I think the last time I made noodles was when I was eight with my dad." His eyes sadden. A singular tear slips down his cheek. "But.. now I'm here with you!" He gives me a big, wide smile. It's not one of his goofy ones this time. It almost feels sincere. The moment ends as Jonah lifts the strainer and begins to shake it. The excess water runs out. "Watch out." Jonah remarks. He then tips the noodles back into the pot and places the pot back onto the stove again. "Can you, uh, open the sauce for me? Please?" Jonah grabs the sauce and hands it to me. I struggle, but manage to pry it open eventually. I hand it back to him. "You're strong. I don't think I could've ever gotten this open without you." He gives me another hug, but it's smaller than the last one. He dumps the sauce into the pot and grabs the mixer. "Wanna help?" He offers me the mixer. "Uh, sure." I grab onto the handle and start mixing the noodles. Jonah rests his hands on top of mine and stirs along with me. Having this little moment together makes me feel... warm and fuzzy inside. I know it sounds weird, but it's true. I rest my head on Jonah's shoulder and close my eyes. I can hear his steady breaths. He rests his own head on mine and we continue to stir..
           ~~~END OF PART EIGHT~~~

(PLEASE READ: Thank you for getting this far! This fanfiction was a little heavy on kissing and shit, so if you want more tame fanfics that I've written, head on over to my Mark x Cesar fanfiction or my Gabriel x Intruder fanfics. It's a little more chill over there.)

"Is This What Love Feels Like?" Adam X Jonah Fanfiction (NSFW + CUSSING)Where stories live. Discover now