Chapter 23

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"Just slide down, Jonah! I swear I'll catch you!"
Adam is at the bottom of the slide, his arms outstretched. I am perched at the top of the slide, scared out of my mind. The water that I might fall into (if Adam doesn't catch me, that is) is six feet deep. Me, being only 5'8", is not good at all.
"A-are you sure?"
The cold breeze on my damp skin makes me shiver. I look down and see Adam lovingly nod as he outstretches his arms out further.
"Count me down! Please..?"
Adam begins counting. My grip on the slide tightens.
I hear my breathing pick up speed.
Oh fuck. I'm scared. This is literally a kid slide, I know I shouldn't be scared.
Adam is almost finished counting. I shiver at the wind.
My grip releases off of the slide as I push my body forward. I glide down the slide and anxiously ponder my fate. Luckily, the slide is way slower than I thought it would be. Instead of a roller coaster, it's more like a carousel. I open my eyes back up as I fall into Adam's awaiting arms.
"I got you. You did it! It's okay, Jo."
Adam rubs circles around my back as I shiver into him. His warmness brings me comfort as I lower myself a little into the water.
"Thank you, Adam."
I lift my head off of his shoulder and smile at him. My legs wrap around his waist under the water.
"UGH! I just wanna kiss you right now!"
My arms rest on Adam's shoulders as his soft gaze meets mine. Adam smirks and tips me a little, making my back go semi-under the water.
"We could, if you'd like. There's no one watching us so.."
"Yes, please!"
Adam then brings me into him, his plush lips softly pressing against mine. He kisses me slow and passionate, careful not to drop me into the water. I lean into him as he carries me across the pool, slowly spinning as we go. Four foot section, and we're still kissing. Three foot section, lips still connected. Two foot section, hands lovingly intertwined. Adam slowly sits down as I go to straddle him. His legs are bent at the knees, holding me in place on him. We stop kissing for a second, Adam slightly pushing me off of him to get some air.
"Maybe we should save this for when we're at home."
Adam unbends his legs, allowing me to get up off of him. And when he's not looking, I scoop up a handful of water and splash him RIGHT in the face with it.
Adam attempts to splash back as I quickly retreat into the pool. I let out a playful scream as I trudge through the water. Adam is, of course, faster and catches up to me in no time flat. He splashes a shitload of water on me, which blinds me and prevents me from moving.
"For that, you're getting fucked even harder at home!"
Adam waits a few seconds before clapping his hands over my mouth. I stare at him, my eyebrows raised and my mouth curled into a slight smug-looking smile.
"D-did I say that out loud?"
Adam fails to believe what he just heard, so I have to reassure him that, yes, he said he was going to, QUOTE, "Fuck me even harder at home".
"Oh shit. Sorry, Jo. I-I didn't mean it, I-"
I waddle over to Adam and place my finger over his lips. He quickly shuts up.
"I hope you meant it, honey. Now, you wanna take this home? Or do you wanna stay here for a little while longer?"
Adam shakes his head, which I'm assuming means he wants to go home. I take his hand and gently lead him out of the pool. He doesn't resist, so I assume I guessed right. We walk out of the pool and over to our towels, leaving a trail of water as we go. If this shit doesn't evaporate by tomorrow morning, someone will definently know we were here. I grab my yellow towel and ruffle my hair with it, drying it off the best I can. I then run the towel all over my body, making sure every drop of water is gone. I slide on my flip flips and look over to see how Adam is doing. He is currently copying my movements, running the towel along his body and then tying it around his waist. He stretches a little before noticing me staring at him.
"I'm all ready to leave."
"Alright, then. Let's go!"


"Is This What Love Feels Like?" Adam X Jonah Fanfiction (NSFW + CUSSING)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora