Chapter 10

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                    ~ADAM'S POV~
I am so tired. Jonah is lying next to me in bed, cuddling me as if I was a body pillow. Tonight, we experimented and it was fun for the both of us. I'd call that a win any day. Jonah's little snore is so cute. His face is right next to my ear so I can't really drown it out. Not that I want to. "Mm.." Jonah gives a little sound before scooting even closer to me. His arm drapes across my chest and his hand rests on my shoulder. I pull him deeper into me. Having chill moments like this can be equally as fun as when we are both horny as fuck and sucking each other off. I lay my head on his and close my eyes. Everything feels so.. peaceful right now. I slow my breathing to match Jonah's. After doing this for a couple seconds, I feel like I'm gonna die so I stop. How do sleeping people breathe like that? Another thing about Jonah that I've wondered is.. has he ever had anyone who genuinely had feelings for him? He wasn't awkward at all on our 'first date' when I took him to that flower field. Usually, people are pretty awkward when it comes to stuff like that. I open my eyes again and find Jonah's cat, Marshmellow, jumping on the bed. "Why, hello Marshmellow!" I whisper so the cat can hear me, but I don't disturb Jonah. It turns its head to me and its pupils dialate. I don't think it's too fond of me right now. I decide to pull out a secret trick. "It's okay, Marshy!" I pull out its nickname. Jonah usually calls him Marshy or Marshmellow, but he usually sticks with Marshy the most. Its pupils begin to settle down as Marshmellow creeps over to me and sleeping Jonah. Marshmellow curls up in between me and Jonah, which is surprising because there is barely any room separating us. I raise my hand and gently pet him. He's so soft, almost like a pillow. No wonder Jonah calls him Marshmellow. I continue to stroke him until I see his eyes close. He's purring like a motor. It's so cute. I'm letting myself drift off. I close my eyes again and rest my hand on the cats back. Jonah's hair has gotten way longer, so I might put it in a cute little bun in the morning. I imagine how Jonah would look with a bun and smile to myself. He'd definently style the look. All my thoughts are drifting away. This feels like.. like..........

                      ~JONAH'S POV~
I'm craving weed. I don't know why, but I just am. My eyes flutter open to see me curled up in Adam's arms, as expected. I slowly inch out of his grasp, careful not to wake him. He tosses and turns a little, but nothing too major. Good. I walk to my kitchen and pull open a drawer. There, laying at the back of the drawer, is a blunt and a lighter. Perfect. I grab both and walk out of my house. I circle around to the nearest alleyway and lean on the wall. I put my foot up on the wall and light my blunt. Smells like weed already. I left a note on the kitchen counter telling Adam where I am. I take a puff. Mmm. The sweet taste of relief hits my mouth and filters into my lungs. I slowly exhale and watch the smoke swirl around me. I needed this. Adam is a lot to keep up with. Especially since he's kissing me all the time. Sometimes, I just need a short break. I bring the blunt up to my lips again. The only sounds that you can hear are my sleeves rustling with my movements and my breathing. No ones out at this hour. I mean, who would be out grocery shopping or something at 6:00 in the morning? I know I wouldn't be. I blow out again. The smoke swirls around my head and drifts off. It's funny to know that Adam has had a crush on me for this long and just now confessed. I suddenly hear footsteps. "Hello? Is anyone there?" No response. The footsteps stop. It must have been just a small animal, like a cat or something. I blow it off as such and take another hit of my blunt. Suddenly, I see someone running towards me. "WHAT THE FUCK?! COUGH COUGH!!" I choke on my smoke and start to run the opposite direction before I'm tackled to the ground. "Augh..." My head narrowly misses the ground, but my body takes most of the impact, which really hurts. I groan again. "" I try my best to assert some kind of dominance, but it's no use when I'm the one being pressed against the ground. My attacker feels like it's just sitting on top of me, so I take this as an opportunity. I take my hand and slowly slide the blunt into my mouth again. I inhale, and let the smoke fill my mouth. "Give me that." The attacker suddenly snatches the blunt out of my hands. "Hey! That's mine, you fucker." I hear an inhale. No way did this bitch just take a hit of my righteous weed. "YOU CUNT!" I flip myself over and my attacker falls to the ground. I crawl over to him and knee him in the stomach. "AUGH!" I suddenly recognize the voice. "Oh, shit. Adam?"

             ~~~END OF PART TEN~~~

"Is This What Love Feels Like?" Adam X Jonah Fanfiction (NSFW + CUSSING)Where stories live. Discover now