Chapter 6

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                     ~ADAM'S POV~
Jonah's a mess. Even though I didn't hear the full extent of what he was saying to himself, I can only assume it wasn't good. I can tell he feels like absolute shit, so the least I can do is offer him some comfort. I'm stroking his hair now, while watching yet another episode of The Office. His favorite. Aww. He's so cute when he sleeps. His mouth is partially open and he looks comfortable. I lift his head from my lap onto my chest. I know it was an awkward position to be in, so I'm trying to make it as comforting for him as this is for me. I rest his head on my chest. He lets out a long exhale and puts one of his hands on my heart. He's breathing with the beat of it. What he said about himself can't be true. Not when he's right here with me. Who said he wasn't good enough for me? "If I ever find out, I'm gonna-"
"Could you keep it down a notch, Mr. Monologue?" Jonah lifts his head and looks at me. He's stopped crying, but his face is soaked and red. It's pretty clear he's been crying. "Whoops. I didn't even realize I was talking out loud. Sorry!" I kiss his forehead. "Idiot." He mumbles. "I said sorry!" I reply. "No, you missed." "Missed what?" "My mouth. You kissed my forehead instead of my mouth." Jonah buries his head into my chest. "Oh. You wanted me to kiss you?" "Yeah. And you missed." "May I try again?" I question. "Definitely. But make sure not to miss again." I lift his head. He's looking at me very romantically. I lean in, acting like I'm going to give him a kiss. Instead, I scoot down to his pants and kiss his waist. "Uh oh! I missed again! Can I try one more time?" It takes him a minute to register what I just did. He turns bright pink. "Adam! You gay bitch!" He's off me now, and is sitting besides me. I smirk at him. "You didn't answer my question." I tell him. "Uh.. sure but kiss my lips, not my dick!"  I nod at him. I'm holding his head in one hand now. The other hand I have pressed against the back of his neck. I'm planning to liplock him. He takes a deep breath and stares at me. He looks almost frustrated, like I did something wrong. I gaze holes into his eyes. He slowly blinks at me. I lick my lips. Slowly but surely, he's leaning into me. He's trying to be sneaky, but I see through his plan. Suddenly, he lunges for my lips. I move, and he misses. He kisses the air instead. "Damn you, Adam!" He trys to kiss me again, and misses. "Stay still!-" He connects with my face. Instantly, I'm out of this world and into his. But only for a brief moment. He disconnects from my face. "Haha! I never miss three times in a row!" While he's bathing in his glory, I stretch. Laying down made me tired. I fall into him. "I'm tired." I say. He ignores me for the time being. "I kissed Adam! I kissed Adam!" He chants like a little kid. "I kissed A-" I turn to face him and press my lips against his neck. "Adam, what are you- oh fuck, that feels good~" This time, Jonah is the one lifting his head in submission. "Adam~ don't start~" I continue kissing Jonah. He's backed into a corner. He has no other choice but to just let me kiss him. I put my hand on the back of his head in order to keep him from moving. Wow. I guess your boyfriends neck really does taste good. I can see now why it took Jonah so long to stop kissing me. I push him against the back of the couch. He moans. Good thing Cesar and Mark aren't here, because Jonah moaned really hard just now. "BABE!~~" God, I need to teach this dude how NOT to give in to everything I do to him. I stop kissing him. "Am I hurting you?" I ask. He bites his lip and tries to calm himself down. "N-no." "Good." I go back to kiss him. I hold his hands on either side of him and kiss his chest. He's weak to this. I go up to kiss his mouth when I black out.

                     ~JONAH'S POV~
Oh yeah!~ Keep kissing me Adam! Put me under you and- what the hell? Did Adam seriously just fall asleep while kissing me? Well, he did say he was tired, so I'm not the surprised. His head lands on my shoulder and makes a little 'thud' noise. I sit and stare at him for a moment. I then scoot his sleeping body next to mine. He snuggles up against me. I let him sleep. He looks like he needs it. Mark was right. Why do we kiss so much? It seems like that's all we do now. But, do we really need to change..?

             ~~~END OF PART SIX~~~

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