Chapter 27

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                     ~JONAH'S POV~
Adam and I decided to go spend the night at some cheap hotel, since we've been getting tired of the same houses all the time.
"Room for two, please." Adam hands the front desk lady his debit card as I shove another Lays potato chip in my mouth. I walk over to the lobby couches and take a seat on one of them. I swing my legs across it and lean back onto the arm rest.
"Okay! Have a nice stay." I hear the keys jingle into Adam's hand as I pull myself off the couch.
"Come on, Jo." Adam drags our suitcases behind him and walks down the carpeted hallway. I follow, carrying my own shit I brought with me.
"So.. what room did we get?"
"Room 420."
"Hehe, nice." I chuckle at the room number. Guess I'm gonna be smoking a hella lot in the bathroom.
"Oh my God, Jonah. You did not bring weed with you."
"Oh yes I did!" I peek over Adam's shoulder and flash a wide smile at him.
"They're gonna smell it, ya know. When they clean our room."
"So what? No one'll know it was us!"
We walk a little further down the hall before coming up to the stairs. Just a little further down the hallway is the elevator.
"We takin' the stairs?"
"Uhh.. how about we Rock-Paper-Scissors for it? I'll be stairs, and you be elevator."
"Come on!"
After a quick round of Rock-Paper-Scissors, I end up losing to Adam's stupid rock.
"Bro! Scissors always win."
I groan and drag myself down the hallway to the elevator, still snacking on my chips. I press the button to call the elevator as Adam and I wait.
The elevator soon arrives, a lady stepping out as the doors open. Adam and I walk into the elevator and press the fourth floor, which is the floor we're on. After a few moments, the elevator doors close, and Adam takes his place in the corner of the elevator. He lays his arms on the rails lining the walls and tilts his head into the corner. I walk over to him and lay back on one of his arms.
"Jo, what are you doin'?"
"Just laying on you, cause you're comfy."
And in one swoop, Adam swings his other arm around me and holds me against him. My heart flutters at his touch as the elevator starts to rise. I look up at the little screen above the buttons and see the numbers go up in value.
"SOS? What's that mean?"
Adam looks up with me to see that there are no longer numbers, but letters that spell S O S.
"Attention elevator passengers. We are currently experiencing technological difficulties with the elevator. Please stand by as our staff try to fix the problem. Thank you."
"WHAT?!?!" My mind goes into a panic as I rush out of Adam's arms. I move over to the door and try to open it by banging on it repeatedly. Meanwhile, Adam is just.. calm in the corner.
"Calm down, Jonah. It's just for a little while. And you packed plenty of chips, so there's no need to-"
I cut Adam off by racing towards him and ripping the suitcase out of his grasp. Not only is it holding all of our clothes and some of our entertainment, it's also holding my giant bag of Takis I brought. I tear open the suitcase, practically drooling at the thought of the big purple back of chips that awaits me. But.. it's not there.
"A-Adam? Where are the Takis that I brought?"
Adam thinks back to where they could be and responds after around five seconds.
"I think you left them on the kitchen counter."
This throws me into a haywire panic. I slowly back away from the suitcase, analyzing its empty state. No chips. No Jonah.
"..WE ARE GONNA DIE!!!!!!"
I cover my head with my hands and begin violently shaking, backing into the corner adjacent to Adam.
"Jo, you'll be fine. It'll only be about an hour, tops. You're not gonna die, and neither am I. We both ate a good breakfast, so neither of us are gonna starve. You'll be fine. We just have to wait for some help, okay?"
Adam walks over to me and gently places his arm around me. I feel the overwhelming sense of comfort radiating off of him as his gentle body is pressed against mine. I begin to calm down, Adam slowly soothing me with just his rhythmic soft breathing.
"W-we're not gonna.. die." I keep repeating the phrase to myself over and over again as it starts to become true. We aren't gonna die in a fucking elevator. We have so much more life to live. We'll be fine.
"Okay. I think I'm calm now."
"Alright then. We can look for ways to hurry the helping process. Here, there's a button."
Adam gets up off the floor and walks over to the button panel. I watch as he presses a button with a little phone icon on it.
Nothing seems to happen for some reason. He presses it again, and nothing happens after a couple seconds of waiting.
"Well, I guess that doesn't work. I guess we'll have to try something else."
Adam sighs and kneels down to the open suitcase in the corner of the elevator. He zips it back up and places it upright in the corner. While doing this, I come up with another hopeful solution to our trapped situation. I quickly pull my phone out from my back pocket and dial the hotel number. I managed to snatch one of the little business card looking things from one of the small trays on the lobby's counter. It says to call the number if there was any problem. I'm guessing 'stuck in an elevator' is a pretty good reason to call the number. I hold the phone up to my ear and listen to the empty silence on the other line. Soon, the phone begins ringing.
"Brr- I'm sorry, but you have no internet connection at the moment. Due to this, calls being placed might not be able to go through. I'm sorry, please dial the number again once you've reached a reliable network source. Goodbye."
The phone automatically hangs up on it's own, leaving me wide-eyed staring at it. All hope drains from my mind. We're never gonna get out of here, are we? I hear Adam grunt from the other side of the elevator. I look over and see him pressing the 'Call End' button at the bottom of his screen. I guess he had the same idea.
"Fuck, I forgot to ask the lady for the hotel WiFi password. Damnit."
Adam shoves his phone into his hoodie pocket and sighs, looking down at the floor and zoning out.
"I.. I tried, too."
"Oh, you did? I didn't even notice, ha." Adam slightly smiles, all hope leaving him as well. I turn my head back to the elevator buttons and glance over all the little symbols. Floor 1, Floor 2, Floor 3, Floor 4, Floor 5, Call, Elevator Door Open, Elevator Door Close, Eleva- hey, wait. There's a button that allows you to open the elevator?..

                                ~ADAM'S POV~
I knew I was forgetting something. I just knew it. Now we have no cell service and we're trapped together in a shitty elevator. Then again.. no, I don't think Jonah would wanna fuck in an elevator. He'd probably think I was out of my mind or something.
"Hey, Adam?" I raise my head up from the floor and gaze up into Jonah's eyes.
"Uh.. did you know that the elevator has a 'Door Open' button?"
"Yeah, but it might not work. Why?"
"Well, can we at least try it?"
"Sure." I pry myself up off of the floor and walk over to the elevator buttons. I press the one that is supposed to open the elevator and wait. Jonah peers over my shoulder, just to make sure I actually pressed the right button.
After waiting a couple seconds, I conclude that the button is out of order.
"It doesn't work, Jo."
"Wait! Try it again-"
My short temper gets the best of me and I shove Jonah against the elevator. His back slaps against the wall as I hold his arms at his sides. His face is frightened, with a slight wince as he hit his head.
"Okay, okay, I'm sorry, I-"
I really don't mean for the next thing to happen, but my body can't control itself. I end up holding Jonah by his shoulders and slamming my lips into his. I don't care if he whimpers when I do, I just need to feel him. I pull away from him and drop my hands off of him.
"Sorry." I mumble as I walk back to my spot. I sit down with both my legs straight out in front of me and begin digging my phone out of my pocket. I ignore Jonahs footsteps as he walks slowly towards me. After all, what's he gonna do? Kill me? Hit me? That would probably feel like a feather against a brick.
"Adam..~" Jonah's sudden seductive tone makes my heart slightly quiver. However, I keep my gaze on my phone, still avoiding any sort of looking at Jonah.
"I know you hear me~."
Jonah is now standing in front of me. I know because my peripheral vision is catching his feet in front of me.
"You're really refusing to talk to me?"
All of a sudden, Jonah slides down onto my lap, his ass running across my dick. His legs are in a straddle around me as he pulls the phone out of my hands. I quickly look down, keeping my eyes out of Jonahs.
"Will you please look at me?~"
Jonah gently places a hand on my chin and tries to push my head up. Since he's pretty much a noodle compared to me, it doesn't work. His hand slips off my chin and my head merely bobbles.
"Fine. I'll just go down myself~"
Jonah then leans his head down to me and looks me in the eyes for a moment. He then slams his lips against mine, banging my head sharply against the elevator wall. A muffled cry escapes me, as a sharp pain erupts from my head. Jonah quickly removes his lips, inspecting my head for a moment to make sure I'm okay. Suddenly, I hear a creek.
"Oh! The doors!" Yup. Jonahs right. The doors to the elevator creak open and are now freeing us from our small cage. Jonah jumps up from my lap and does a small "victory dance".
Jonah grabs our bags and quickly runs out of the elevator, scurrying down the hall to our room. I sigh and pick myself up off the floor.


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